Sustainable Development
Pathways to Sustainability (known as TQNE) is a small program introducing students to the very much discussed topic of sustainable development. The four courses are open to all students from all degree programs of the University of Basel (from 3d bachelor's semester on). Students will acquire the ability to distinguish between a variety of natural, social, and economic aspects of sustainability and link them to the current focus topic „food and sustainability“. The participants learn to recognize interactions between these aspects and to reflect critically on themselves.
Furthermore, since 17 years, the University of Basel is offering a specialized Master’s Degree in Sustainable Development. The idea behind sustainable development is to achieve inter- and intra-generational equity while preserving the functionality of the various systems (ecological, social and economic) - now and in the future. This interdisciplinary degree program places particular emphasis on the interaction between the disciplines and scientific know-how.
In addition to the information day, you can arrange an individual consultation with the student advisor Camelia Chebbi. Please email to schedule an appointment for any other day: She is looking forward to hearing from you.