Archäologie und Naturwissenschaften
The interfaculty Master's program "Archaeology and Natural Sciences" is unique in Switzerland due to its innovative interweaving of cultural and natural science study content. The program includes the integrative combination of an archaeological discipline of the Department of Classical Studies - the choice is between Egyptology, Classical Archaeology, Prehistory and Early History and Provincial Roman Archaeology - with the "Natural Sciences Archaeology" offered by IPNA at the Department of Environmental Sciences.
In addition to the information evening, you can arrange a personal consultation with the student advisory service. Prof. Dr. Susanne Bickel is available for the combination of Archaeological Science and Egyptology, Prof. Dr. Martin A. Guggisberg for the combination of Archaeological Science and Classical Archaeology, Prof. Dr. Peter-Andrew Schwarz for the combination of Archaeological Science with Provincial Roman Archaeology and Dr. Claudia Gerling for the combination of Archaeological Science with Prehistoric and Early Historic Archaeology. For Archaeological Science, please contact Prof. Dr. Dr. Verena Schünemann or the course coordinator Brigitte Heiz Wyss.