There are multiple ways of financing one’s doctorate. At university, you can apply for doctoral positions in departments or research groups. These positions are either financed by the university or by external funding agencies such as the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). You can also apply for a scholarship from a public or private foundation. Finally, a doctorate can also be financed independently, i.e. by means of a part-time job. For more information, please contact your supervisor, visit the website of the Career Advancement Office or contact the Graduate Center.
Finding a supervisor is your own responsibility. Talk to a professor or another person who can supervise dissertations in your field. You can also apply for a doctoral position as these are usually bound to a department and a professor who will be your supervisor.
The first part of the doctoral agreement must be filled in and signed by you and the members of the doctoral committee within the first six months of your doctorate. The remaining information must be completed after twelve months at the latest. It is advisable to discuss the processes and goals of your doctorate with your supervisor and to fill in the agreement together. Instructions for completing the doctoral agreement can be found here. The signed agreement has to be submitted to the faculty. A status meeting with your supervisor(s) will take place at least once a year. These meetings also provide the opportunity to adapt the doctoral agreement.