Bildungszentrum 21, Hotel Odelya, Missionsstrasse 21, 4055 Basel
Gesellschaft & Kultur
Humans and the Landscape(s): An Everlasting Story of Mutual Interactions
Graduiertentagung mit Teilnahme für Externe per ZOOM möglich
Internationale Graduiertentagung im Rahmen des Doktoratsprogramms des Departements Altertumswissenschaften der Universität Basel - Teilnahme für Externe per Zoom möglich
The conference "Humans and the Landscape(s): An Everlasting Story of Mutual Interactions" endeavors to delve into the multifaceted relationship between human intervention and environmental dynamics, elucidating the intricate processes and outcomes stemming from this continuous interaction. By promoting a comprehensive dialogue between disciplines that embrace historical, archaeological, social, and literary perspectives, the event seeks to elucidate the nuanced ways in which human societies interacted with their environment, shaping and being shaped by it from ancient civilizations to modern times across the vast expanse of human history. With a set of diverse lenses shedding light on the different ways in which humankind and the environment cooperate in the development of spaces, the discussion aims to unravel the infinite manifestations of this inextricable tie, thereby hopefully contributing to a deeper understanding of the complex interrelationships that underpin the formation of human landscapes.
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