New public lecture series: «Einblicke Biozentrum»
What happens during human and animal development? What is muscle training good for and why do our cells age? On November 5, 2019, the Biozentrum will launch «Einblicke Biozentrum», a new public lecture series on current research topics.
14 October 2019
Scientists from the Biozentrum of the University of Basel invite all interested persons to learn about their latest research. «Einblicke Biozentrum» will take the visitors on a journey into the world of muscles, nerves, cells and genes. The broad audience will become acquainted with the exciting fields of research and new discoveries in easy-to-understand presentations, held in German each month.
Natural phenomena, such as aging, brain development or the origins of life, concerns all of us. They also fascinate scientists, who address these issues, asking new questions and looking for answers.
The new Director of the Biozentrum, Prof. Alex Schier, will open «Einblicke Biozentrum» on November 5, 2019 with the talk:
Lebensursprung – Wie ein Lebewesen entsteht (The origin of life – How a living organism develops)
Der Ursprung eines jeden Menschen ist eine einzige Zelle – das befruchtete Ei. Aus ihr entwickelt sich jedes Organ, das Gehirn, die Haut und das Herz. Doch was genau passiert während der Entwicklung? Wie wird sie gesteuert? Und was kann dabei schiefgehen? Erfahren Sie, wie Tiere und Menschen entstehen, wie Gene unsere Entwicklung lenken und wie das Wissen darüber verwendet wird, um künstliche Organe zu bauen.
Further lectures until February (all in German):
- Muskelkraft – Was Muskeln stark oder krank macht
(Muscle energy – What makes muscles strong or sick)
Prof. Christoph Handschin, 3. Dezember 2019 - Älterwerden – Warum Zellen uns alt aussehen lassen
(Muscle energy – What makes muscles strong or sick)
Prof. Anne Spang, 21. Januar 2020 - Gehirnentwicklung – Social Network bei Nervenzellen
(Brain development – Social networking in nerve cells)
Prof. Peter Scheiffele, 18. Februar 2020
Lebensursprung – Wie ein Lebewesen entsteht, Tuesday, November 5, 2019, 7.00 – 7.45 pm, followed by an Apéro, Biozentrum, Klingelbergstrasse 50, Basel. Free Admission. Export event as iCal
Further information
Heike Sacher, University of Basel, Biozentrum, Communications, phone: +41 61 207 14 49, email:
The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the leading life sciences institutes in the world. It consists of 30 groups and 500 employees that research how molecules and cells create life, spanning the scale from atom to organism. Founded in 1971, the Biozentrum has been the birth place of many fundamental discoveries in biology and medicine.