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Eucor aims to support and simplify learning and studying within the Upper Rhine university alliance. Students who attend courses or complete degree programs at a Eucor partner university:

  • Do not have to pay fees at the partner university
  • Have their travel costs reimbursed or receive a fixed travel allowance
  • Enjoy free access to libraries and other facilities at the partner university


  • Free mobility: students can freely choose individual courses and integrate these into their studies. We recommend that they contact the program coordinator at both their home university and the partner university, as well as the relevant member of teaching staff, in order to clarify questions on the recognition of credits (module, scope).
  • Integrated mobility: students can enroll in a degree program offered jointly by Eucor partner uni-versities. Depending on the program, they will graduate with a degree from one university (joint degree) or two or three universities (double or triple degree).
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