The tasks of the University Council defined in the University Statutes
University Council
§ 9. The University Council is the supreme decision-making body of the university and is responsible for supervision at the university. It is entrusted with fulfilling the University Mandate from the governments of the contracting cantons. It fulfills the duties entrusted to it as defined in the University Agreement and Mandate.
2 The University Council
a) is responsible for implementing the University Mandate;
b) defines the strategic focus and development priorities of the university in consultation with the Rectorate and respective faculties as well as the Senate;
c) regulates the organization of the university in a set of statutes specifically defining the composition and competences of the various organs of the university and structuring of the intra-university judicial processes;
d) establishes the staffing policy and lays down terms of employment. It submits the basic benchmarks of the terms of employment to the governments of the contracting cantons for approval;
e) monitors the quality of the university's services;
f) makes decisions
- concerning the approval of structural professorships based on the development and structural plans of the faculties or separate structural reports
- after consulting with the appropriate faculties concerning the establishment and dissolution of structural professorships;
g) is the electoral commission for
- persons holding structural professorships
- the Administrative Director at the request of the Rectorate
- the Secretary of the University Council
- the appeals commission for the decisions of all intra-university bodies
- the reviewing body;
h) can, after consulting with the faculties, remove persons it has elected from office for good cause, i.e., revoke professorships;
i) issue the necessary orders, in particular
- staffing rules
- rules governing university fees
- rules governing the appointment procedure
- the admissions restrictions after consultation with the Rectorate, the respective faculties and the Senate
- a set of financing rules
- rules governing secondary engagements, agreements with third parties and the use of intellectual property in the context of work at the university
- rules for obtaining initials and signatures;
j) administers the resources of the university through budgets as part of the University Mandate;
k) makes decisions regarding the budget, annual financial statements and reporting in conjunction with the University Mandate and presents this documentation to the governments of the contracting cantons;
l) makes decisions concerning the use of the real estate fund in the context of the strategic orientation of the university and the specific function of the fund;
m) appoints an expert commission for the real estate fund;
n) acknowledges the financial audit report from the contracting cantons;
o) approves
- the election process and the election of the Rector and Vice Rectors at the request of the Senate
- the student regulations at the request of the Senate
- the study regulations
- the continuing education regulations
- the appointment of titular professors;
p) concludes agreements;
q) presents the audit reports to the governments and the financial auditing bodies of the contracting cantons;
r) fulfills the other duties assigned to it by the University Agreement.
3 The University Council makes decisions concerning the election of the pension institution for the professional pensions of university personnel with the consent of university personnel or any employee representatives.