IT-Portfolio Management

IT Portfolio Management has the important task of organizing and structuring the "Information Supply and Information Technology" (IVIT) landscape as well as the initiatives and projects of the "Zentralen IVIT Provider" (ZIPs).
The IT portfolio management leads and coordinates the "IVIT coordination board" (IVIT-Koordinationsgremium) and is an ex-officio member of the SIVIT (Strategy Commission Information Supply and Information Technology).
Specifically, IT Portfolio Management will coordinate the project and budget processes of the IVIT provider and maintain the resulting project portfolio in close coordination with the ZIPs' development and structural plans. In addition, recommendations from the IT Services Evaluation report are reviewed and implemented as mandated by the Rectorate.
Furthermore, IT Portfolio Management acts as a point of contact for strategic IT projects and offers consulting for project- and portfolio management for organizational units.
If you have any questions regarding IT portfolio management or the IVIT landscape of the University of Basel in general, please feel free to contact Nico Frobenius or at