Personalized Health Basel
Call for the PHB Translational Award is now open!
The PHB Translational Award seeks proposals for projects that demonstrate a strong potential to significantly impact clinical practices or patient outcomes.
The applicant must be a clinician affiliated with one of the PHB funding institutions (University of Basel, University Hospital Basel, University Children’s Hospital of Basel).
A joint project organization of the University of Basel and the University Hospitals of the Basel area, Personalized Health Basel (PHB) aims to develop and promote translational research, personalized health and precision medicine for the benefit of patients, research and society.
By harmonizing and streamline existing processes and pipelines, building new information technology (IT) infrastructures, and by forming local, national and international research collaborations as well as partnerships with the private sector, we aim to consolidate the Basel area as a hub of health innovation and health-data driven research excellence and a place where people benefit from personalized healthcare.
We identify the gaps and build the critical infrastructure to capture, share and analyse data and biospecimens across the various networks of clinicians and scientists. In this way, we enable translational, transdisciplinary and health data-driven research as well as clinical translation, biomedical development, breakthrough personalised treatments and improvements in disease prevention and medical practice. Together with translational research labs, we also optimize processes, platforms and data integration / interface so that innovative non-routine analytics and decision support with high potential impact in healthcare can be performed and refined up to the point of full integration in the clinical routine.
PHB activities are closely coordinated with our partners in Zurich within the Personalized Health Alliance Basel-Zurich and with national initiatives such as the Swiss Personalized Heath network (SPHN) and the complementary initiative from the ETH Domain Personalized Health and Related Technologies (PHRT). In addition, PHB and University of Basel have taken a strong role in strategic initiatives in the field of personalized health and health-related data research also outside the Swiss national borders, with project collaborations within the upper Rhine region and beyond (Clinnova). Furthermore, we foster exchanges and collaborations/partnerships with the private sector in the Basel ecosystem.
PHB helps researchers, clinicians, R&D developers, data scientists and health authorities by providing IT/data engineering and integration, software development and IT solutions as well as coordinating the numerous excellent efforts and resources already in place to create innovation and excellence in the health sector.
Workshop on "Entrepreneurship in healthcare, the valley of death - Revisited"
In the context of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, on the 21st of November 2024, the 6° joint workshop of the Personalized Health Series, 'Entrepreneurship in healthcare: The valley of death - Revisited', took place in the Innovation Garage of the University of Basel.
Personalized Health Basel (PHB), the Innovation Office of the University of Basel and DayOne - Healthcare Innovation gathered over 70 people to listen to startups entrepreneurial journeys, get insights from the University Hospital Basel and what it has to offer, discuss the importance of academia-industry partnerships and raise awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship.
The next workshop is already in the pipeline. Stay tuned!
Contact: Raffaello Ferone, PhD
Bram Stieltjes, MD PhD
Head of Department Research and Analysis Services, University Hospital Basel
Cristina Golfieri, PhD
PHB Manager
Raffaello Ferone, PhD
PHB Industry Partnership Manager
Siri Leemann, PhD
Project Manager PH Eucor