Personal Integrity

The University of Basel is committed to a respectful work culture in which the personal integrity of its students and employees is respected and protected.
The university does not tolerate
- sexual harassment
- discrimination
- bullying
Are you in need of advice and support?
Contact Dr. Cora Wagner, Head of Personal Integrity.
The Personal Integrity Office is tasked with supporting and safeguarding this respectful work culture.
Personal support for those affected, bystanders and persons responsible for leadership
To ensure protection of personal integrity, the Personal Integrity Office functions as an easily accessible, confidential and personal point of contact, offering advice and support for university staff and students whose personal integrity has been violated or for bystanders watching violations.
Related Links

The Sexual Harasssment Awareness Day will take place on 29 April 2025. The University of Basel does not tolerate sexual harassment and takes preventive action against sexual harassment in the university environment. More information will follow soon.

The Code of Conduct promotes a culture of respect, diaolog and inclusion, which is shaped by people. #peoplemakeculture