Sustainability Week Basel
May 24th - 28th 2025, on campus
The Sustainability Week takes place annually in March at various universities throughout Switzerland. Participation is free and open to all. The week offers a varied program on the topic of sustainability.
Alles für die Tonne? Eine nachhaltige Zukunft jenseits der Wegwerfgesellschaft (in German)
March 27th, 5 pm, Hörsaal 102, Kollegienhaus
In wissenschaftlichen Impulsvorträgen von Prof. Dr. Janina Grabs und Prof. Dr. Corey D. Ross sowie einer anschliessenden Podiumsdiskussion mit Vertreter:innen der Fachstelle Klima des Kantons Basel-Stadt, dem Förderprogramm für nachhaltige Innovation, Basel Circular und dem Start-up foodways wird das Thema nachhaltiger Konsum aus wissenschaftlicher und praktischer Sicht beleuchtet.
Dies ist ein Event im Rahmen der Nachhaltigkeitswoche.
Training "Education for Sustainable Development"
May 16th 2025, online
This four-hour online course provides an action-oriented introduction to the concepts of sustainable development and education for sustainable development (ESD), focusing on their implementation in higher education.
The workshop consists of a mix of theoretical insights and discussions on how participants can integrate the theory into their own teaching situations.
Green Lab Workshop
May 21st 2025, Novartis Campus
Theme: Certification Programs for Laboratories
Join us in this event, which aims to promote a culture of sustainability in labs. The morning includes short inputs with academic and industry perspectives, exchange of ideas, networking and a site visit. More information and registration
Events of AG Nachhaltigkeit
FS 2025
Events start again in the new semester! Stay up to date:
PubliBike Velospot Offer
For University members
Members of the University of Basel (all students and employees with a unibas email address) can benefit from Velospot's annual subscriptions with special prices.