International Outgoing

Mobility is an essential element for an academic career. You want to distinguish your scientific profile through a stay abroad? A wide range of funding opportunities are available for this.
You apply for a scholarship with your own research project and – depending on the funding instrument chosen – for further financial resources to carry out your project.
Doc.Mobility@unibas are mobility grants from the University of Basel, which can be applied for by doctoral students wishing to improve their scientific profile at a research institute abroad.
Doc.Mobility@unibas are mobility grants from the University of Basel, which can be applied for by doctoral students wishing to improve their scientific profile at a research institute abroad.
SNSF Postdoc.Mobility
SNSF Postdoc.Mobility is aimed at experienced postdocs (up to a maximum of three years after the dissertation) who wish to pursue an academic career in Switzerland and improve their scientific profile through a research stay abroad.
SNSF Postdoc.Mobility is aimed at experienced postdocs (up to a maximum of three years after the dissertation) who wish to pursue an academic career in Switzerland and improve their scientific profile through a research stay abroad.
EU: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF) offer experienced researchers an opportunity to diversify their creative and innovative potential through advanced training as well as international and intersectoral mobility and to develop their individual competencies. Individual Fellowships thus enable the acquisition and transfer of knowledge through research work in a European (EU member states and associated countries) or non-European context.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF) offer experienced researchers an opportunity to diversify their creative and innovative potential through advanced training as well as international and intersectoral mobility and to develop their individual competencies. Individual Fellowships thus enable the acquisition and transfer of knowledge through research work in a European (EU member states and associated countries) or non-European context.
EMBL Fellow Programmes
The European Molecular Biology Laboratory is an intergovernmental organization that specializes in basic research in the life sciences. The organization consists of 21 member states, one potential candidate and two affiliated countries. There are currently 85 independent research groups working in the field of molecular biology at EMBL.
The European Molecular Biology Laboratory is an intergovernmental organization that specializes in basic research in the life sciences. The organization consists of 21 member states, one potential candidate and two affiliated countries. There are currently 85 independent research groups working in the field of molecular biology at EMBL.
Human Frontier Science Fellowships
HFSP postdoctoral fellowships encourage young scientists to expand their research skills by exploring new fields of research through working in a different country. HFSP fellowships last for three years. Fellows can either spend the entire duration in their host country or return to their home country for the final year or spend this year in another HFSP member country.
HFSP postdoctoral fellowships encourage young scientists to expand their research skills by exploring new fields of research through working in a different country. HFSP fellowships last for three years. Fellows can either spend the entire duration in their host country or return to their home country for the final year or spend this year in another HFSP member country.