Teaching staff
Eucor wishes to promote fruitful teaching collaborations among universities in the Upper Rhine alliance. Teaching staff employed at a Eucor university who, together with colleagues from at least one other Eucor university, would like to carry out innovative projects in the area of course or degree de-velopment can apply to Eucor for seed money of up to EUR 60,000 per project to help develop the concept and implement it (teaching funding program). The call for applications usually begins in early July and runs until the end of September. Interested applicants can find the exact dates, further in-formation and the application form under Eucor Seed Money.
The University of Basel offers funding of up to CHF 4,000 per project for innovative courses at master’s and doctoral level involving teaching staff from the University of Basel and at least one Eucor partner university. The call for applications for the “Crossborder Education Grant” generally opens in early April and closes at the end of July. Interested applicants can find more information and an overview of previously funded projects under Crossborder Education Grant.