Open Science, Open Access & Research Data Management

Open Science as a component of good scientific practice promotes transparency in everyday research and in this way provides an important building block for high-quality research. In addition, an optimal dissemination and visibility of the research results achieved by the members of the University of Basel can be achieved and thus the use of these for society can be improved.
The University of Basel therefore offers its members infrastructures, consulting and training services as well as financial support in the areas of Open Access and research data management.
Open Access (OA)
The University of Basel is a co-signatory of the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities. In this sense, it has been pursuing the goal of achieving open access to scientific publications with its OA policy and supporting services since 2013. At the end of 2019, the OA policy of the University of Basel was adapted to the current framework conditions and an OA publication fund was additionally established. Within the framework of a pilot project (2020-2024), financial resources will be made available to researchers to publish articles in OA journals and OA anthologies. Eligible for funding are researchers at the University of Basel who do not receive corresponding funding for their peer-reviewed publications from research funders, such as the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) or EU funding programs.
The University Library of Basel offers various options for open access publications with the repository edoc, other publication platforms as well as publication discounts. It also manages the publication fund and supports researchers with advice and training in the area of open access.
Research Data Management
With the implementation of a targeted Research Data Management, the University of Basel pursues the goals of providing a basis for good scientific practice, enabling the subsequent use of research data for further research, and thus optimizing the societal benefit of research results. In this context, the University of Basel offers its members, among other things, consultations and courses on data management plans, on how to handle research data, and on how to publish them.
Links & Downloads
- Open Access Policy of the University of Basel (PDF, 162 KB)
- Open Access Publication Fund
- edoc - Repository of the Universität of Basel
- Research Data Management Network University of Basel
- Open Science SNSF
- Open Science Swissuniversities
- Open Science Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences
- Open Access European Commission
FAQ - Open Science & Research Data Management
Who can help me create a Data Management Plan?
The Research Data Management Network publishes instructions and templates for the creation of Data Management Plans on their website, including information on local (subject specific) contacts who can help you with your questions.
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Where can I find help for organizing and storing my research data?
Please contact the Research Data Management Network.
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How can I make my scientific publication freely accessible (Open Access)?
The University of Basel obliges its researchers to make their scientific publications openly accessible. There are two ways to do so:
- Publish your article in a Gold Open Access Journal (publications are made available immediately, without restriction and free of charge)
- Publish under Green Open Access by depositing your article on the repository edoc.
Further information on Open Access is available at the University Library.
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What financial support does the University of Basel provide for publishing Open Access?
For publications that are not covered by third-party funding members of the University of Basel can apply for support from the Open Access Publication Fund.
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