
The University of Basel has infrastructures for edition and indexing projects that are located at the University Library Basel. In collaboration with the Digital Humanities Lab, it is ensured that qualitative humanities research data is available online in the long term, even after the end of the project.
Amerbach Edition
The Amerbach Edition comprises the correspondence of three generations of the Amerbach family of scholars, the printer Johannes (died 1513), the jurists Bonifacius (1495-1562), the friend and heir of Erasmus of Rotterdam, and Basil (1533-1591), founder of the later Amerbach Cabinet. The correspondence is significant evidence of the history of humanism and jurisprudence in the 16th century and an important source for the educational system and daily life of the time.
Bernoulli Correspondence
The edition of the Bernoulli Correspondence is based on letters of members of the important Bernoulli family of mathematicians and physicists from Basel. A part is published in book form, the continuously edited texts as well as the image files of the manuscripts are linked to the entries in the electronic Basel Edition of the Bernoulli Correspondence.
Jacob Burckhardt Critical Edition
An edition of great importance is being created with the new critical Jacob Burckhardt Critical Edition, which will comprise the writings of the great cultural historian and co-founder of modern art history – and editor of the Basler Zeitung – in 29 volumes. 19 volumes will contain writings from the estate, which has only been partially published to date. Burckhardt's collection of illustrations includes some 10,000 (digitized) photographs and numerous other reproductions that are housed in the manuscript department of the University Library Basel. The edition is being produced in cooperation with several universities under the direction of the Jacob Burckhardt Foundation in Basel.
Der späte Nietzsche
With the German-Swiss edition project Der späte Nietzsche, Friedrich Nietzsche's Nachlass from 1885 to 1889 will be published integrally and true to the manuscript for the first time. It is part of the Critical Complete Edition of Works (Kritische Gesamtausgabe der Werke KGW) and documents Nietzsche's late estate on CD-ROM and in book form. A digital edition is in preparation.
Critical Robert Walser Edition
The Critical Robert Walser Edition (KWA) is planned as a combination of print edition and electronic edition and is divided into eight sections with a total of about 50 volumes. Its conception is based on the fundamental idea of documenting Walser's work in the structured preservation of the text carrier principle and thus in the manner of its first publication. The KWA is compiled by working groups of the German Seminars of the Universities of Basel and Zurich.
Anton Webern Complete Edition
In the Department of Musicology at the University of Basel, the Anton Webern Complete Edition is being created as a historical-critical edition that aims to make Anton Webern's compositional work accessible to the public in a scholarly form that is appropriate and serves musical practice. In addition to Webern's published works, the AWG also includes unpublished compositions, youth and study compositions, as well as fragments, sketches and arrangements. The Musicology Department of the University of Basel is editing and publishing the edition in collaboration with the Paul Sacher Foundation, where most of Webern's sources are located.
Further Links
- Amerbach Edition
- Bernoulli Correspondence
- Basel Edition of the Bernoulli Correspondence (BEBB)
- Jacob Burckhardt Critical Edition
- Der späte Nietzsche. Manuskriptedition des Nachlasses 1885–1889 (KGW IX)
- Critical Robert Walser Edition
- Anton Webern Complete Edition (AWG)
- Paul Sacher Foundation
- Digital Humanities Lab