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In the fall semester of 2023, 13,006 students and doctoral candidates enrolled at the University of Basel. 57.6 percent of the students are women.


Students and doctoral candidates by faculty

25.2 percent of students and doctoral candidates are enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine. This makes it the largest faculty at the University of Basel, followed by the natural sciences and humanities.


Level of study

With 23.5 percent doctoral candidates, the University of Basel has a high proportion of young researchers. This high proportion shows that Basel University enjoys a good national and international reputation as a research university.


Origins of students and doctoral candidates

4833 students and doctoral candidates come from the cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft. That is 37.2 percent of all students and doctoral candidates.


Origin according to study level

The proportion of foreign students increases as the degree progresses – around half of doctoral candidates come from abroad. This speaks for the research strength of the University of Basel.


Degrees by faculty and study level

The Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Natural Sciences have the highest number of graduates at all three levels of study.


Development of student numbers, 2009–2023

The University of Basel recorded continuous growth to almost 13,000 students until 2017; since then, student numbers have remained relatively stable.


Further information

Detailed key figures can be found in the following resources:

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