The LearnTechNet (LTN) at the University of Basel is a network based on partnership – it links academic services and central institutions of the University who offer various IT services for studies and teaching. The management of the LTN reports to the Vice President's Office for Education.
The Educational Technologies team, as part of the Department for Teaching and Learning, supports innovation in teaching, e.g. in media didactics and learning environment.
The New Media Center (NMC) implements media for teaching, learning and knowledge transfer.
The IT Services (ITS) provide information and communication technology (ICT) services for research, teaching, studies and administration.
The University Library continuously expands access to scientific information using new media, by making internal and external information available electronically.
The Student Services are responsible for the student life cycle management.
The Head of IT portfolio management is also part of the LearnTechNet, as well as colleagues responsible for audiovisual systems.
Think Tank and Coordination
The objective of the LearnTechNet is to provide technologies in consultation with students and teachers for the University of Basel, to develop sustainable solutions and to ensure their quality. The purpose of this is to create a coordinated and integrated virtual environment and to facilitate diversified learning formats and teaching methods.
To this end, the LearnTechNet partners develop common positions and university-wide recommendations. New developments are tracked and evaluated using a structured trendspotting process. The tool portfolio is coordinated and interfaces are created.
The network partners coordinate their respective operational work, and jointly launch projects of all or individual partner institutions, e.g. to create new tools, IT-based teaching/learning environments and digital teaching/learning opportunities.
LearnTechNet within IVIT Governance Structures
Within the Information Supply and Information Technology (IVIT) Structures at the University of Basel, the LTN has the role of a thematic network for teaching.
LearnTechNet Members
Sabina Brandt (LTN Coordinator)
Educational Technologies
Dr. Gudrun Bachmann
Head of Learning and Teaching
Marcel Czink
Cornelia Eitel
University Library
Nico Frobenius
Head of IT-Portfolio Management
Dr. Nele Hackländer
Head of Student Services
Dr. Lukas Heierle
Head of Student Administration Services
Dr. Alice Keller
University Library Director
Audiovisual Systems
Benedikt Willi
New Media Center