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Academic Careers

The advancement of talented, young scientists is a key element of the University of Basel’s policy of excellence. The promotion of early career researchers and progressive academic teaching are of utmost importance. A flexible advancement system opens up academic careers to talented young professionals, from assistant professorships to associate professorships and full professorships.

Is your aim the doctorate?

This decision depends on the relevance of the dissertation topic, the research specific factors, funding options, choice of the university as well as private circumstances. If you wish to do a PhD, you should discuss this project with a professor of the respective department.

Information on Academic Careers in Basel

  • How does the university promote my academic career?

    If you have any questions regarding your academic career, and in particular regarding funding opportunities at the doctoral or postdoctoral level, please contact the Career Advancement Office.

  • How do I find a doctoral position at the University of Basel?

    Please contact the Career Advancement Office with questions about funding opportunities and other issues concerning academic careers.
    Grants for doctoral programs are advertised on the job portal of the University of Basel.

  • How do I find an internship position after completing my studies?

    Please contact the relevant department or research group where you would like to do an internship.

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