Cross-Border Education Grant
The Cross-Border Education Grant is an instrument of the University of Basel for the promotion of innovative bi- and multinational courses at Master/Doctorate level within Eucor - The European Campus. Lecturers of the University of Basel can apply together with colleagues from the Eucor partner universities. The application window opens at the beginning of March and closes in mid-April. The winners will be notified at the end of April. Members of Groupings I, II and III of the University of Basel will receive an invitation to the call with the exact dates and the link to the electronic application form by e-mail.
As Eucor has been associated with the European University Alliance EPICUR - European Partnership for an Innovative Campus Unifying Regions since 2022, lecturers from EPICUR universities - in addition to lecturers from the University of Basel and at least one Eucor university - can also be co-applicants. We are happy to assist with matchmaking on request.
The call for proposals for the Cross-Border Education Grant 2025 is currently open. The deadline for applications is April 13, 2025. The funding decision will be announced by April 30, 2025 at the latest. Click here for the online application form.
Winners 2024
The grant was awarded in 2024 for the seventh time. Eleven projects from five different disciplines received the 2024 Crossborder Education Grant. We warmly congratulate the winners:
Dr. Sara Freund (Universität Basel), Dr. Pablo Sinues (Universität Basel), Dr. Anja Matthiä (Universität Basel), Ass. Prof Hassan Omran (Université de Strasbourg) and Dr. Benoit Rosa (Université de Strasbourg): Winter School 2025: Scientific Writing and Publishing
Prof. Dr. Sabine Gless (Universität Basel) and Dr. Silvain Vernaz (Université Haute-Alsace): GRENZÜBERSCHREITENDE KOOPERATION IM STRAFRECHT: Trinationale Untersuchung am Beispiel EuroAirport Basel Mulhouse Freiburg
Prof. Cristina Granziera (Universität Basel), PD Dr. Axel Loewe (KIT) and Dr. Francesco Regazzoni (University of Amsterdam): Personalized Health: Insights from the Upper Rhine
Dr. Michael Kempf (Universität Basel) and Dr. Claire Rambeau (Université de Strasbourg): Multicomponent environmental modelling for archaeologists and Quaternary geologists
Prof. Andreas Müller (Universität Basel), Prof. Matthias Jestaedt (Universität Freiburg) and Prof. Catherine Haguenau-Moizard (Université de Strasbourg): Klimaschutz vor Gericht
Thomas Peter Oeschger (Universität Basel), Dr. Ines Schulze-Hemrich (KIT) and Anne Fritz (KIT): : Grenzüberschreitende Perspektiven auf Inklusion: Konzepte und Praktiken in der Schweiz und Deutschland
Prof. Kurt Pärli (Universität Basel) and Prof. Sebastian Krebber (Universität Freiburg): Ausgewählte Fragen im Arbeitsrecht zum Kündigungsschutz, Mitwirkung und Datenschutz
Prof. Bianca Prietl (Universität Basel) and Dr. Marion Mangelsdorf (Universität Freiburg): Circulating Feminisms. Ein geschlechterreflexiver Theorie-Praxis-Kurs zu Social Media
Joachim Rautenberg (Universitä Basel) and Prof. Jean-Philippe Narboux (Université de Strasbourg): Theories of truth in early modern logic
Dr. Sandro Stoffel (Universität Basel) and Dr. Adnan Zogaj (Universität Freiburg): Smarte Gesundheit: Verhaltensökonomische Erkenntnisse im Gesundheitswesen
Prof. Sandrine Vuilleumier (Universität Basel) and Prof. Frédéric Colin (Université de Strasbourg): Funerary Practices in Egypt during the Last Millennium (700 BC-300 AD). A Dialogue between Archaeology and Papyrology: Proven Methods and New Tools