Awards & Honors
The awards that researchers at the University of Basel receive for their scientific work, as well as their appointments to numerous institutions, are testimony to their outstanding commitment to science and society.
The awards that researchers at the University of Basel receive for their scientific work, as well as their appointments to numerous institutions, are testimony to their outstanding commitment to science and society.
The Fritz Kutter Prize, endowed by the Fritz Kutter Fund, is awarded annually to recognize outstanding practice-oriented theses in computer science at Swiss universities. In November 2024, Florian Burkhardt received the prize for his Master's thesis on the reconstruction of femurs from individual bone fragments.
For her pioneering work in the field of intracellular organization, Prof. Dr. Anne Spang from the Biozentrum of the University of Basel will receive the Lelio Orci Award 2024. The award honors outstanding scientists for their research achievements in cell biology.
Emma Hodcroft, assistant professor at the University of Basel and group leader at Swiss TPH, was named one of three people to watch in shaping science in 2025 by the renowned journal Nature.
«Pathoplexus» is a groundbreaking genome sequencing database for viruses of public health relevance. It was one of four projects awarded the National ORD Prize 2024.
Nine researchers from Basel have been recognized as some of the most frequently cited scientists in the world, according to the latest edition of the Highly Cited Researchers ranking.
In recognition of his lifetime of research achievement in materials science, Daniel Loss, Professor of theoretical physics at the University of Basel, will be awarded the Jan Czochralski Award 2024 from the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS).
Botond Roska and José-Alain Sahel have been awarded the Wolf Prize in Medicine for their pioneering work on restoring vision to blind patients using optogenetic therapy.
Professor Ellen Fritsche, adjunct professor of toxicology at the University of Basel and director of the Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology, was awarded this year's Poulsson Prize by the Norwegian Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology.
A team from the Artificial Intelligence Research Group at the University of Basel was honored with the Influential Paper Award 2024 at the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS).
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