Campus Credits

Student involvement in university self-administration is very important for the university. It also enables students to acquire important skills in a university environment. For this reason, the university rewards student involvement with campus credits.
Students can acquire campus credits through activities in the following organizations, committees or commissions:
- in student organizations/associations:
student council, Fachgruppen - in university committees and commissions:
Senate, Senate commitees, President’s board commitees - in other university-wide activities:
AG Nachhaltigkeit, Studentische Nachhaltigkeitswoche, Offener Hörsaal, MindMap, Nightline - as well as in the committees and commissions of the faculties and departments, such as faculty assemblies and committees, teaching commitees, curriculum commitees, examination committees, hiring committees
The responsible persons or committees of the faculties in which a student is enrolled, decide on the acquisition and crediting of campus credits for their degree program. Further details are regulated by the faculties.
Links & Downloads
- Theologische Fakultät - Merkblatt zu Campus Credits für Studierende der Theologischen Fakultät (PDF, 286 KB)
- Juristische Fakultät - Merkblatt zu Anrechnungen an das ausserfakultäre Wahlfach im Bachelor- und Masterstudiengang (PDF, 163 KB)
- Medizinische Fakultät - Übersicht der fakultären Gremien mit studentischem Einsitz im Bereich Humanmedizin (PDF, 307 KB)
- Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät - Wegleitung für den freien Wahlbereich (PDF, 109 KB)
- Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Merkblatt Campus Credits (PDF, 1.97 MB)
- Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Merkblatt «Tätigkeiten in der universitären Selbstverwaltung» (PDF, 93 KB)
- Fakultät für Psychologie - Studentische Selbstverwaltung (PDF, 358 KB)