The tasks of the Senate defined in the University statutes
§ 13 Senate
1 The Senate of the University is comprised of 77 members, namely the members of the Rectorate (ex officio), the 7 deans (ex officio) and the following representatives of the groups:
- 30 academic chairs (two theology, three law, six medicine, seven humanities, seven science, three business and economics, two psychology),
- one member from Group II per faculty,
- one assistant per faculty,
- two student members per faculty, and
- eight academic, technical and administrative staff members.
2 The Senate elects one person to the post of chair for a term of four years. Re-election is possible. The Rectorate and the current chairperson agree on arrangements with respect to relieving the chair of certain academic obligations.
3 Provided they are not part of the Senate ex officio, the members can be elected by their groups for a term of four years. Re-election is possible.
4 A committee prepares the Senate meetings.
5 The Secretary General of the University is responsible for taking the minutes at Senate meetings.
§ 14 The tasks of the Senate
1 The tasks of the Senate include:
- the Senate comments on university-wide academic issues as well as on development focuses and targets; it deals with strategic projects;
- it promotes teaching and research and, in particular, the collaboration across disciplines and faculties;
- it is consulted regarding changes to the University Statutes;
- it grants authorization to teach (venia docendi);
- it submits requests to the University Council for the granting of the title of Professor;
- it is entitled to submit proposals to the governing bodies for the election of a voting member of the University Council;
- it elects the Rector and Vice Rectors, who are then subject to approval by the University Council. It adopts a procedure to be submitted to the University Council for approval;
- it elects members to their respective committees and monitors their activities;
- it designates an Ombudsman’s Office within the university;
- it appoints representatives of the university to their respective external boards;
- it adopts regulations that govern the other bodies, procedures and election processes;
- it issues student regulations, which are subject to approval by the University Council;