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Support Services Guide

Support Services Guide Directory of the Support Services at the University of Basel

The University of Basel provides a wide range of support services for its members, students and employees. On this page you can find two different ways to find the people to talk to within the university.

Additionally, all departments of administration are available for questions relating to their expertise.

Support Services Guide

The following Support Services Guide helps you find the right person to contact. In a few steps you can find the contact for your question.

I am a

I have a question regarding the following

My question

Please contact:

Overviews to the various services

Here you will find lists or further links for your role or needs:


Dr. Simone Lazarus

Head of Organizational Culture

Simone Lazarus
University of Basel Organisational Culture Steinengraben 5, Postfach
4001 Basel
Tel. +41 61 207 69 72
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