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Estelle Blaschke becomes Professor of Photographic Media

The University Council has appointed Estelle Blaschke as the new Professor of Photographic Media in the Digital Age. The professorship is based in the Department of Arts, Media and Philosophy at the University of Basel’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

27 June 2023

Prof. Dr. Estelle Blaschke
Prof. Dr. Estelle Blaschke. (Photo: Albrecht Fuchs)

Professor Estelle Blaschke, who has held the role of interim professor in the Department of Media Studies since February 2020, will take up her position on 1 August 2023. Her research focuses on the history and practices of digital photography, the history of knowledge and media economics, and the theory and history of photographic archives and platforms.

Professor Blaschke works at the interface between media and visual studies, the history of science and cultural history, with a research emphasis on concepts of photography as information technology, operational imagery and media infrastructures.

She obtained her doctorate from the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) and Sorbonne University in Paris in 2011, having studied art history, macroeconomics and English, and completed her master’s degree at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Before joining the University of Basel, Professor Blaschke researched and taught at the University of Lausanne, the Visual Studies Research Institute at the University of Southern California, the University of Geneva, the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin and the École cantonale d’art de Lausanne.

Senate awards Venia docendi

At the request of two faculties, the Senate has also awarded two people the title of Dr. habil. and the Venia docendi.

This authorizes the researchers to use the title of Privatdozent/Privatdozentin (lecturer) and the academic degree of Doctor habilitatus/Doctora habilitata.

Faculty of Psychology
  • Dr. Corinne Urech
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Ridvan Askin
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