Locations of Defibrillators
As part of the first aid concept defibrillators will be installed in most buildings of the University of Basel.
The apparatus is set up so that anyone can use it. E.g. it leads per voice instructions through the necessary activities of reanimation and intervenes if an activity is not carried out exactly enough.
Locations of Defibrillators
Bernoullistrasse 16
GF, entry to cafeteria
Bernoullistrasse 28
GF, corridor besides lift on the right side
Bernoullistrasse 30, Bernoullianum
1.Floor, foyer before lecture hall
Birmannsgasse 8
1.Floor, corridor
Bernoullistrasse 16
GF, entry to cafeteria
Birsstrasse 320
5. Floor, Korridor
Gellertstrasse 156
GF, office 00.012
Gewerbestrasse 12/14 Allschwil
Haus 14, EG, Korridor
Gewerbestrasse 12/14 Allschwil
Lift forecourt, 3. Floor, Building 14
Hebelstrasse 1
1. Floor, Stairwell
Heuberg 12
Hall 01.501, 1. Floor
Hirschgäslein 21
1.Floor, Office
Kanonengasse 27
GF, Corridor E010
Klingelbergstrasse 27
3. Floor, Lift forecourt
Klingelbergstrasse 50
Main entrance Pharmazentrum left hand
Klingelbergstrasse 50
4. Floor Lift to the left
Klingelbergstrasse 61
3. Floor, Stairwell
Klingelbergstrasse 80
1.Floor, besides lift
Klingelbergstrasse 82
1.Floor, vis-a-vis lift
Leimenstrasse 48 EG
Corridor E001 EG
Maiengasse 51
GF, foyer - sitting room
Mattenstrasse 28
GF, corridor
Mattenstrasse 28
Mittlere Allee 18, Münchenstein
Part North, Entrance/Foyer
Mittlere Allee 18, Münchenstein
Part North, Laboratory B
Mittlere Allee 18, Münchenstein
Part South, Corridor
Missionsstrasse 60
2.OG, Wartezone
Missionsstrasse 62A
GF, foyer besides exit
Missionsstrasse 64A
GF, entrance area
Münsterplatz 19
Staircase, 1. Floor
Nadelberg 4
GF, lounge area
Nadelberg 6
GF, back house
Nadelberg 8
2.OG, Halle
Nadelberg 10
Hall O150 1. floor
Petersgraben 27/29
1.Floor, corridor vis-à-vis stairwell
Petersgraben 35
Main staircase 3rd floor
Petersgraben 35
Auxiliary staircase ground floor
Petersgraben 45
Besides the lockers
Petersgraben 51, Rosshof
GF, entry area
Petersgraben 52
2.OG, Liftvorraum
Pestalozzistrasse 20
GF, foyer lecture hall
Pestalozzistrasse 20
1.Floor, entrance to the preparation hall
Petersplatz 1, Kollegiengebäude
GF, alerting panel main entrance
Petersplatz 1, Kollegiengebäude
GF, besides wardrobe
Petersplatz 1, Kollegiengebäude
1.Floor, stairwell NE-edge
Petersplatz 10
GF, entrance area
Peter-Merian-Weg 6
GF, information wall
Peter-Merian-Weg 6
3.OG, Aufenthaltsbereich
Peter-Merian-Weg 8
GF, information wall
Peter-Merian-Weg 8
4.OG, Teeküche
Rheinsprung 9/11 EG
GF, entrance hall
Rheinsprung 9/11
Staircase, 2. floor
Rheinsprung 21
EG, Foyer
St. Albangraben 8
1.OG, Liftvorplatz
Schönbeinstrasse 6
EG, Korridor
Schönbeinstrasse 18/20, Unibibliothek
GF, wardrobe
Schönbeinstrasse 18/20, Unibibliothek
first aid room
Areal Rosental R1060
1. Floor, Corridor, beside the lift
Areal Rosental R1096
Main staircase, GF
Spiegelgasse 1
GF, corridor
Spiegelgasse 1
3.Floor, corridor
Spiegelgasse 5
GF, corridor
Spiegelgasse 5
5.Floor, corridor
St. Johanns-Ring 19
1.Floor, Beside the material output desk
St. Johanns-Vorstadt 10
Corridor GF
Spalengraben 8 Botanischer Garten
GF, visitor information area
Spalenring 145
Staircase, 3. floor
Spitalstrasse 41
1. Lower Floor, by the first aid room
Spitalstrasse 41
GF, Entrance
Spitalstrasse 41
2. Floor, Middle zone
Spitalstrasse 41
5. Floor, Tea Kitchen
Spitalstrasse 41
10. Floor, Tea Kitchen
Spitalstrasse 41
14. Floor, Tea Kitchen
Spitalstrasse 51
GF, at the entrance
Steinengraben 5
2.Floor, Lift anteroom
Steinengraben 5
EG, Eingangshalle
Steinengraben 22
3.OG, Korridor
Totengässlein 3
Entrance hall, besides lecture hall
Totentanz 17
1. Floor, before lecture hall
Vesalgasse 1, Vesalianum
1.Floor, besides entry to the small lecture hall