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Nanosciences Degree: Master

This interdisciplinary sciences degree program focuses on structures on the nanometer scale (1 nm = 1 billionth of a meter).

Nano Wissenschaften

Nanoscience researchers concentrate on the manufacture, characterization and manipulation of individual atoms and molecules as well as on the properties of nanometer structures and processes. New, special properties based on surface, quantum and self-organization effects are becoming increasingly important to various aspects of everyday life – information technology, energy, health and communication. Nanoscience is the interplay of various, specialist scientific fields. This is what makes it so exceptional and promising.

Program structure

After earning a bachelor’s degree, graduates can progress to a master’s. The master’s program comprises 90 credit points (CP). One ECTS credit point equates to around 30 hours of work. The nanoscience master’s program is a single major degree with no further subjects. There are 3 specializations (majors) offered on the master’s program: Chemistry, molecular biology and physics. The master’s program allows students to explore areas of interest in more depth. Interdisciplinarity is ensured by allowing students to choose two practical projects in two different disciplines, and by striking a balance between majors and electives.

Master of Science (90 CP)
76 CP
14 CP
Degree program

Combination of subjects

The degree programs offered at the Faculty of Science are single major degrees with specialization options and one elective. Nanoscience is studied as a degree program with no further subjects – the master’s program includes one major.

Career opportunities

Graduates work in basic research, the high-tech industry, as well as for chemical and pharmaceutical companies – essentially, anywhere that uses nanoscience measurement methods and manufacturing procedures. Most graduates work in research groups in Switzerland and abroad.

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