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Green Labs

Photo: © Chokniti Khongchum www.pexels.com

A large proportion of research at the University of Basel takes place in laboratories. And because our research activities also have an impact on the environment, we are looking for ways to help our laboratory operations to become more sustainable, without compromising excellence in research.

Green Lab Workshop

Green Labs networking Event at the University of Basel in May 2024.

Twice a year, the Sustainability Office facilitates a workshop open to all University of Basel researchers and technicians working in laboratories, and interested on the topic of sustainability. The aim is to exchange ideas and best practices, network and support each other in our efforts.

Next Workshop: 21st May 9-12h  at the Novartis Campus

Theme: Laboratory Certification

For more information register here.

Stickers for lab equipment

Freezer Challenge: scientists around the world compete in the International Laboratory Freezer Challenge each year to learn how to be more energy efficient with their lab's cold storage, improve sample accessibility, reduce risk, and save costs for their institutions.

Biozentrum Store & Supply: this central store can be used by all University of Basel's departments. It has a sortiment of over 1000 items, offering almost everything required for research and the administration. Lab consumables and stationary, as well as chemicals, can be ordered online and be collected at the Biozentrum. For access to this service, please contact Alexander Träris.

Stickers for Lab equipment: upon request, we will send you stickers that help remind users to save energy by switching off the equipments whenever they are not being used. Get in touch here to get the stickers.

More useful tips to help green your lab

Ultra-low freezers can use as much energy as an average household every day. Consider increasing the temperature of -80°C freezers to -70°C, it can reduce energy consumption by 30%. There is growing evidence  showing that -70°C can be a safe temperature for long term storage

Reduce, reuse, recycle: design your experiments so as to generate the least amount of waste possible. Wash and reuse materials when it is safe to do so, and whenever possible recycle packaging and materials that are not contaminated. When in doubt: ask your suppliers and safety officers about what can be recycled.

Shut the sash: a single chemical fume hood can use as much energy as 3.5 households per day. Shut down biosafety cabinets when work in the hood is complete!

Lab Equipment: whenever possible, share equipment among labs and extend the lifespan of your research equipment by purchasing items that have long lifetimes or can be repaired.

Purchases: reduce packaging and shipping by consolidating orders and buying in bulk.

Electricity Saving Challenge 2024

During November 2024, interested research groups from the Biozentrum and Physics Department took part in the Electricity Saving Challenge (ESC). This was a collective effort to make a positive impact on electricity use, while maintaining high-level research. Research groups were able to test and implement changes in their daily routines, and monitor the impact of changes on electricity consumption in real-time through a dedicated app. They were also able to compare current electricity use with baseline data to assess the effectiveness of their measures.

For further questions about key findings, please contact Christopher Weiss.

Did you know?

The University of Basel is an active members of the the Swiss Network for Green Labs - a community of sustainability experts and scientists working in research laboratories of Swiss Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences. The Network aims to find common solutions to reduce the environmental impact of research activities in wet labs. Get in touch if you would like to know more about it.

Further Ressources

This group at the Department of Biomedicine promotes sustainable research practices, including ways to save energy and resources and operate with the health of our planet and nature in mind.

A resources website with best practice guides on topics including energy, waste, water, green chemestry, lab organisation, etc.

This non-profit organization aims to build a global culture of sustainability in science, and in its website there are many ressources freely available.

This guide to Green Chemistry has practical advice on a set of principles that reduces or eliminates the use or generation of hazardous substances in the design, manufacture, and application of chemical products.

This is an open source software, designed to fulfill the core functionality of an Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) for synthetic organic chemistry while encouraging green and sustainable chemistry. The software automatically presents the hazards and sustainability of an inputted reaction by calculating sustainability metrics and a color-coded assessment of solvents and reaction conditions.

The cooling of computer processors uses substantial energy, furthermore, hardware production impacts the environment through minery, transport and industrial production. This tool estimates the footprint of your computations to aid you in a cost/benefit analysis.

This podcast series discusses obstacles and solutions related to sustainability in science, and gives hands-on tips on how to reduce the environmental impact of your lab work without compromising research.

For further questions, please contact me

Further information

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