Grants Office Newsletter October 2019

With this sixth edition of our newsletter, we inform you about the state of play of Horizon Europe, the successor program of Horizon 2020. We also inform about the internal process for Ambizione and PRIMA applications, about the SNSF Roadshow here in Basel and about the upcoming ERC deadlines.
Horizon Europe
In our last newsletter we informed you about the final calls under Horizon 2020. But how will it go on? What is going to change with the successor program “Horizon Europe”, and what status does Switzerland have? We have summarized the most important facts for you.
ERC: Last Calls under Horizon 2020
The European Research Council has published its “2020 work programme” with details about the estimated budget and upcoming Calls for the next 12 months. We have summarized these calls for you – and provide you with some details on ERC’s at the University of Basel.
Note that the Grants Office is considering organizing an applicants training for ERC Consolidator by external experts. Please let us know if you are interested.
SNSF / Innosuisse Road Show on November 15th 2019
Save the date! On November 15th, 09:00 – 12:00 the SNSF and Innosuisse will visit the University of Basel to present their instruments and to answer questions from researchers. There will be detailed presentations on SPARK, Sinergia and Innosuisse project funding. Other instruments will be present at information booths. The event will take place in the Aula of the Kollegienhaus. You will receive the detailed programme directly through the SNSF.
SNSF Ambizione / Prima: Deadline November 1st 2019
The next SNSF Ambizione and PRIMA deadline is on November 1st 2019. Please note that the SNSF requires a detailed letter of support from the Department and a confirmation from the Rectorate. A template for the department letter is available in the Grants Tool (Ambizione / PRIMA, Information). The Grants Tool will also help applicants to calculate their budgets. Applicants who do not yet have an account should contact the Grants Office. To ensure a smooth process, we need the letter from the department and the entry in the Grants Tool by 15th October.
More Successes!
The Grants Office would like to congratulate:
- six new SNSF Ambizione Grantees:
- Simone Biondini, Luca Boeck, Lesley Braun, Marloes Eeftens, Barbara Martin and Sarah Pati
- three new SNSF PRIMA Grantees:
- Anne-Sophie Bories
- Daniela Landert
- Elisabeth Mesok
- 36 new SNSF research projects
- three new ERC Starting Grantees:
- Ivan Dokmanić (SWING)
- Flavio Donato (INFANT MEMORIES)
- Marloes Eeftens (EPOCHAL)
- the new participants in three Horizon 2020 collaborative projects:
- TOPSQUAD with Jelena Klinovaja, Daniel Loss and Dominik Zumbühl
- SuperMaMa with Marcel Mayor
- QLUSTER with Richard Warburtn
- Anne-Katrin Pröbstel as new participant in theHorizon 2020 IMI project 3TR