Grants Office Newsletter June 2019

This issue of our newsletter has a focus on Social Innovation. Switzerland invests significant amounts in the promotion of innovation and with instruments such as Innosuisse and BRIDGE, supports science-based innovation. While these instruments work well in disciplines such as Life Sciences, ICT or Robotics, the situation is more difficult in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). The Gebert Rüf Foundation, Innosuisse, BRIDGE and swissuniversities organize a workshop on October 9th to discuss what is needed to give Social Innovation more adequate recognition in innovation promotion. The European Research and Innovation Framework Programme, Horizon 2020 puts greater emphasis on innovations from the SSH. The Marie Curie Innovation Training Network “SMART BEEjS” is a good example, please read our interview with Prof. Paul Burger about this project.
In addition, this newsletter informs you about the SNSF’s new multi-year programme and its new instruments SPARK and SPIRIT. Last but not least: We inform you about the final calls under the Horizon 2020 programme.
“Social innovation is both a driver of innovation and a precondition for implementation”
Paul Burger is among the partners of the recently funded MSCA ITN (Innovative Training Networks) project “SMART BEEjS”. Using an interdisciplinary approach, the project aims to investigate the impacts of technological change and policy-decisions in the field of sustainable energy on the poorer part of the population. The Grants Office interviewed Prof. Burger on this project, on the chances and challenges of “problem-oriented research” and on the importance of social innovation.
SNSF: Programme 2021 - 2024, two new instruments and clarification of common misunderstandings
At the SNSF Grants Office Day on May 24th, the SNSF presented its multi-year programme 2021 – 2024 and informed about the two new instruments SPIRIT and SPARK.
In addition, some widespread but incorrect assumption related to project funding – such as “One PI one Grant”- have been clarified. Click below for an overview and related presentations.
Horizon2020 – Final Calls
The EU research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020 is coming to an end and many of the upcoming calls for proposals will be the last ones under Horizon 2020. In this last year a total budget of € 13.2 billion is still available for applicants. On September 5th, the Euresearch network office organizes an event in Bern to inform about these calls. Some of the specific topics will be presented by the responsible NCPs (National Contact Points). Take this chance to apply for funding opportunities. Click below for an overview over the upcoming calls.
More Successes!
The Grants Office would like to congratulate:
- The four new Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN (Internaional Training Networks) projects:
- BIOMOLMACS with Wolfgang Meier
- ELIT with Gerhard Lauer
- QUDOT-TECH with Richard Warburton
- SINERGIA with Ivan Martin
- Dennis Gillingham und Dragos Inta for their SNSF Sinergia Projects