Graduate Schools and Doctoral Programs

In the course of implementing the Bologna reform, the University of Basel has been establishing doctoral programs and graduate schools. A graduate school is an institutional umbrella structure that provides the administrative frame for the entire field of doctoral education and all concerns related to pursuing a PhD at the respective faculty.
As part of the graduate schools, the doctoral programs organize a subject-specific training program. They enable doctoral candidates to get together and exchange ideas and to meet with professors of the program or with experts from other universities. Participation in a doctoral program requires PhD candidates to actively take part in the development of the program. In addition, participation in a doctoral program also provides national and international networking opportunities.
List of programs according to faculties:
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Information for Coordinators
GRACE supports the coordinators of the doctoral programs in the fulfillment of their tasks and responsibilities and shares information with them. Communication between coordinators is encouraged in order to intensify knowledge transfer and collaboration between the faculties.
Establishing New Doctoral Programs
The University of Basel has been in a consolidation phase of its doctoral education since 2016. At the same time, key issues for the development of new graduate schools and doctoral programs have been identified together with the faculties and the PhD Committee. Doctoral programs can either belong to a faculty, department or an individual subject or they can be considered as a cross-faculty doctoral program.