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FAQ University Sports: Course cancellation

  • How do I find out if a course is canceled?

    You will receive an e-mail from University Sports when a course requiring registration is canceled. This usually happens one to two days after the registration deadline. If a course is canceled at short notice due to force majeure (e.g. weather), we will also inform you by e-mail. Please check your e-mail inbox shortly before the start of the course.

  • How do I find out if single course lesson is canceled at short notice?

    Cancellation of a course lesson with registration:

     If a lesson is canceled at short notice, you will be informed of the cancellation by e-mail, assumed we have been notified of the cancellation in good time.

    Cancellation of a course lesson without registration:

    If a lesson is canceled at short notice, the cancellation will be published on the website under Latest news and under Sport today overview.

    Please check one of the websites mentioned approximately one hour before the start of the course.

Further information

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