Development, Career & Vocational Education
We see ourselves as an organization that acknowledges, appreciates and fosters the diverse potential of its members. We offer our staff a working environment in which they can excel and continue to develop.
Academia: early career researchers and career development
Encouraging talented young academics is a key element of the University of Basel’s policy of excellence. The promotion of early career researchers and progressive academic teaching are given top priority.
The University of Basel fosters the next generation of academics by means of assistantships and through competitive and non-competitive funding for doctoral students and postdocs in all faculties.
A flexible advancement system opens up academic careers to talented young professionals, from assistant professorships to associate professorships and full professorships.
Training and continuing education
In terms of training and continuing education, the University of Basel offers:
- the option of attending certain classes as a course auditor;
- a comprehensive internal training program, covering a range of subjects and designed for different target groups. The courses provide orientation and help staff to manage professional requirements and tasks associated with their role;
- courses, workshops and events in the Language Center for learning a new language or brushing up existing language skills;
- a wide range of postgraduate courses in Advanced Studies, all of which perfectly combine academic learning with professional experience and allow participants to gain a CAS, DAS or MAS qualification.
Career Service Center
During and after their studies, the University of Basel’s Career Service Center (CSC) helps students and graduates successfully launch their careers.
Early Career Researchers’ Development
The Office of Early Career Researchers' Development is a center for young academics at the University of Basel and helps young researchers in their academic careers through funding from the University of Basel and the Swiss National Science Foundation. Doctoral students and postdocs can receive individual advice on financial and career matters.
Training and Development
The Training and Development department provides a wide range of programs to support staff in their various roles and situations. The team offers training options for all employees, programs for management, one-to-one counseling and support for whole teams/organizations.
Language Center
Nothing would ever get done without language(s). Learning another language not only expands horizons, it also makes life and working together easier. The Language Center offers affordable language courses with different goals.
Lay the foundations for your future career: an apprenticeship at the University of Basel provides the perfect grounding for your future professional life.