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Biopsychology research prize for Christine Blume

Christine Blume, leaning against a tree
Dr. Christine Blume. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Psychologist and sleep researcher Dr. Christine Blume has been awarded the Biopsychology 2024 Research Prize by the Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology Section of the German Psychological Society.

03 June 2024

Christine Blume, leaning against a tree
Dr. Christine Blume. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

With this award, the Section recognizes works by younger scientists that have been published in an international journal and represent a contribution of outstanding importance in the field of biological psychology or neuropsychology.

Christine Blume received the award for a publication that was published in December 2023 in the journal Nature Human Behavior. In it, she compared the effects of different light colors on the human body, but – in contrast to an earlier study in mice – found no evidence that variation in light color along a blue-yellow dimension plays a relevant role in the human internal clock or sleep.

The research prize, endowed with 1500 euros, was awarded on 1 June 2024 at the annual conference “Psychology and Brain” in Hamburg.

Dr. Christine Blume has been working at the Center for Chronobiology at the University of Basel and the University Psychiatric Clinics Basel since 2019. In 2021, she received an Ambizione grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation for her research on the effects of daylight and artificial light at night on circadian rhythms and sleep.

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