Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Petersplatz 1, 4051 Basel, Aula
AI-ESC at the University of Basel: Grand Final Event
Register now to participate in the AI-ESC-Competition!
Save the Date for our AI-ESC, or register on esc.unibas.ch/ai-esc (Bild: zVg)
The ESC is coming to Basel, and to celebrate, the Research Network Responsible Digital Society, along with the University of Basel’s AI-Initiative are organizing a Eurovision style competition featuring music made entirely by Artificial Intelligence.
Fancy bending the AI to make you this year’s Lordi? Or maybe your prompting style is more ABBA? Register on esc.unibas.ch for a chance to be crowned the AI-ESC Champion. Participation is open to anyone; University staff, students and the general public, and you can be a solo artist or form a band.
Registration to participate in the competition is open until Monday 17th of March 2025.
At the grand finale event a selection of these songs will be played and all attendees will be able to vote for their favorite songs. While the votes are being tallied, a panel discussion will be held to address the risks of AI for the music industry. Partner universities are able to participate as satellite locations and will be virtually integrated into the final event.
Research Network Responsible Digital Society
The University of Basel calendar lists events offered by the University of Basel, its numerous units, and accredited student organizations and associated institutions. They address a larger audience, are public and open to all. As a rule, admission is free.
You can also have your event listed in the Calendar of Events, provided it meets the above criteria. To do so, send the title, short text, time, place, organizer, link to website and, if available, photo (JPG) and program flyer (PDF) to E-Mail: agenda@unibas.ch