University Council adopts Strategy 2022–2030
The new strategy of the University of Basel is based on excellence in research and teaching, modern governance, the use of locational advantages, and the promotion of innovation.
24 September 2019
Last Friday, the University Council definitively adopted the Strategy 2022-2030. The suggestions from the consultation process have been incorporated, and the University Council concludes that the Strategy 2022–2030 has gained in significance through the consultation. In the 21st century, the University of Basel “aims to remain one of the best research universities in the world, offering an internationally visible, inspiring academic environment thanks to outstanding and diverse basic research.” Furthermore, the new strategy is based on “decentralized spheres of action with agile leadership structures, efficient organization and lean planning processes” in order to “be able to react flexibly and proactively to new opportunities and changed framework conditions.”
Consistent culture of excellence, strengthening innovative power
In the area of research, the new strategy of the University of Basel is to “continue to focus on exceptional academic performance and a consistent culture of excellence, and to make even better use of the unique locational advantages.” The aim is to intensify contact and cooperation with local industry, particularly in the life sciences, with the aim of promoting knowledge and technology transfer and thus strengthen the location’s innovative power.
The University of Basel will align its research-based teaching with the latest requirements of academia and the job market, providing its students and researchers with optimum support for their individual academic and professional journeys. In so doing, the University of Basel represents an education that enables people to work effectively in a rapidly changing world, promotes critical reflexive thinking, creativity and innovation, and subscribes to international best practice.
Modern employer
“The University of Basel is a modern employer offering its staff a working environment in which they can excel and continue to develop,” can be read in the strategy. “It fosters a culture of trust, respect and tolerance while, at the same time, committing each and every individual to achieve the best results possible.”
Furthermore, the University of Basel is aware of its responsibility in the area of sustainability and seeks to contribute towards the achievement of key sustainable development objectives, such as the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Under the heading Inclusion Management, the strategy states that the university wants to improve how it handles diversity so it can continue to successfully develop as an excellent place of research, education and work in the context of social, political, and personal developments and changes.
Finally, the University of Basel, in cooperation with regional funding organizations, university hospitals and clinics, the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland and industry, aims to contribute to developing the Basel region into a dynamic innovation cluster. The main objective is now to inspire the general public, policy makers and the business sector with its vision and strategic goals. “As one of the top research universities in the world, the University of Basel assumes a key role for the region,” states the strategy, adding that the university therefore “wants to actively contribute towards making Basel more attractive as a location for academia and business, and as a place to live.”
Further information
Matthias Geering, University of Basel, Head of Communications & Marketing, phone: +41 61 207 35 75, cell: +41 79 269 70 71, email: