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Funding from the University of Basel

The University of Basel has its own fund to aid students with very limited resources and from low-income families. The following table provides an overview of the key eligibility criteria.

What financial aid can be applied for through the student welfare office?

Scholarship funds from the university

The funds are awarded primarily in the form of partial scholarships during the final degree phase (BA/MA) and range from CHF 200 to 600 per person, per month.

Solidarity fund (Solifonds) from the student body

In addition to funds from the scholarship funds, these funds are awarded in an amount ranging from CHF 500 to 1000 per person, per semester.

Legat Grobe

These funds are awarded to students who are completing their degrees (BA/MA) in biology degree programs with a focal area in zoology/botany and range from CHF 200 to 600 per person, per month.

Margarete and Walter Lichtenstein Foundation*

These medical department funds from the Margarete and Walter Lichtenstein Foundation are awarded to medical students with Swiss citizenship:

* Students enrolled in human and dental medicine at the University of Basel
* Students enrolled in the degree program for nursing science at the University of Basel

Health and Accident Fund

The University of Basel has a fund which can cover costs incurred in the event of illness or accident and which are not covered by health insurance. Applications to the student welfare office are to be submitted, if possible, before treatment and with a cost estimate.

The student welfare office provides additional information and will be happy to assist you with the submission of applications.
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