2018 Eucor-GRACE Crossborder Education Grant - Internationalization at Home
Application Eucor-GRACE Grant 2018
Download (DOCX, 42 KB)We are pleased to inform you about the “Crossborder Education Grant 2018”.
Members of the University of Basel are invited to organize a bi- or trinational Master/PhD activity together with at least one of the European Campus partner universities. Funding is available for teaching, cultural- and networking activities up to CHF 4`000 per project. Max. 9000.- Fr for conferences organized with strong involvement of PhD-students.
Application Deadline:June 17, 2018
Please fill the application form and send it to info.eucor@unibas.ch (Subject „Crossborder Education Grant 2018“)
Applications will be assessed in a selection process. Notification will be given by the end of August 2018.
If you have questions please contact: info.eucor@unibas.ch
Projects 2018:
- Networkingmeeting: Crossing Borders for Joint Exchange and Collaboration in Biomedical Engineering: Two-day Networking Event (Med. Fak., Hans-Florian Zeilhofer, Philippe C. Cattin, Georg Rauter, Azhar Zam; Basel-Strasburg)
- EUCOR-Seminar 2019 «Rechtsschutz und Verfahrensgarantien im Rahmen der Europäischen Grundrechtecharta (GRC) der Europäischen Union und der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention (EMRK) des Europarates» (Jur. Fak., Stephan Breitenmoser, Basel-Freiburg-Strassburg)
- Kick-off & Workshop Healing architecture: Atmosphären und Räume schaffen, die heilen helfen (Med. Fak., Wolf Langewitz, Basel-Strasburg)
- Workshop-Konferenz Management and Experiences of Migration in Modern East European History (Phil.-Hist. Fak., Benjamin Schenk, Basel-Freiburg-Strasburg)
- Conference Nanoscience Focus: imaging (Phil.-Nat.-Fak., Andreas Baumgartner, Basel-KIT)
- Tagung Neue Eliten? Werdung, Wahrnehmung, Wandlung (Phil-Hist.-Fak., Jan Rüdiger und Jessika Nowak, Basel-Freiburg)
- Workshop Quantum EUCOR PhD workshop (Phil.-Nat. Fak., Thilo Glatzel, Basel-Freiburg-Strasburg-KIT)
- Workshop for PhD students on methodology in nonprofit and philanthropy research (WWZ, CEPS, Georg von Schnurbein, Basel-Freiburg)