Eucor Seed Money 2018
Seed Money goes into its second round. Until 1st October 2018, innovative cross-border projects in the domains of research or teaching within Eucor – The European Campus can apply for an initial financial support.
Seed Money goes into its second round. Innovative cross-border projects in the domains of research or teaching within Eucor – The European Campus can apply for an initial financial support. In order to benefit from support, a project must include an active partnership between teaching and/or research staff members of at least two Eucor member universities representing at least two countries of the European Campus. It is, moreover, essential that the project has not obtained any other funding – national or international.
For more information, please consult the relevant call for proposals and the guideline that you find attached (only German and French)).
All funding requests must be submitted electronically using the form on the Eucor-webpage: (only German).
Please note that the description of the project should be submitted in English or in French AND German.
Applications will be accepted from Monday 25th June to Monday 1st October 2018 (17.00 CET). Successful projects will be funded from, at the earliest, 1st February 2019 and for a maximum duration of 18 months.
If you still have questions after reading the Call text and guideline, please contact the Eucor – The European Campus Coordination Office by email at
Please note the office will be closed from 27th July – 20th August 2018.
Further informatiom
Janosch Nieden, Head of the Eucor – The European Campus EVTZ coordinating office, tel. +33 3 68 85 82 93, eMail: