Horizon Europe includes many funding opportunities for collaborative projects within the following programme areas:
Please contact the Grants Office if you plan to submit or would like more information: grants@unibas.ch or +41 61 207 60 53
Horizon Europe includes many funding opportunities for collaborative projects within the following programme areas:
Please contact the Grants Office if you plan to submit or would like more information: grants@unibas.ch or +41 61 207 60 53
Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs) are Public-Private Partnerships designed to enhance collaboration between the public and private sectors; the participating universities and public institutes are financed by the European Commission, the industrial partners are self-financed. Further Information can be found on the Horizon Europe website.
Further Public-Private Partnerships are supported by the European Commission via calls for proposals under Horizon Europe. Further information can be found on the Factsheets.
ERA-NET aims to co-ordinate national research programmes on a European level. Therefore joint calls for proposals are published by ERA_NET projects and funding takes place on a national level. On the ERA-NET website of Innosuisse you can find further information for Switzerland.
ERA-LEARN is an information paltform for partnership programmes.
Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs) are Public-Private Partnerships designed to enhance collaboration between the public and private sectors; the participating universities and public institutes are financed by the European Commission, the industrial partners are self-financed. Further Information can be found on the Horizon Europe website.
Further Public-Private Partnerships are supported by the European Commission via calls for proposals under Horizon Europe. Further information can be found on the Factsheets.
ERA-NET aims to co-ordinate national research programmes on a European level. Therefore joint calls for proposals are published by ERA_NET projects and funding takes place on a national level. On the ERA-NET website of Innosuisse you can find further information for Switzerland.
ERA-LEARN is an information paltform for partnership programmes.
Innovation funding for collaboration projects between industry and academia as well as project funding for SMEs and Start-ups:
Innovation funding for collaboration projects between industry and academia as well as project funding for SMEs and Start-ups: