Overview organizational units : Faculty Department Other institutions Other institutions Rectorate and Administration Associated Organisations A-C D-F G-I J-L M-O P-R S-U V-X Y-Z Enter search term Reset filter Macroeconomics Peter Merian-Weg 6 (Postfach) 4002 Basel Switzerland Tel. 061 207 24 58 Leitung Prof. Dr. Gabriele Camera To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Business and Economics Show map open/close Management Accounting Peter Merian-Weg 6 (Postfach) 4002 Basel Switzerland Head of Department Prof. Dr. Sabine Böckem Secretariat Marianne Ryser To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Business and Economics Show map open/close Management Support Petersgraben 35 4001 Basel Switzerland Head Management Support Jennifer Degen To website Parent organization units: President's Office and Administration Infrastructure & Operations Show map open/close Marketing Peter Merian-Weg 6 (Postfach) 4002 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 207 32 22 Fax +41 61 207 28 38 Head of Department Prof. Dr. Manfred Bruhn To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Business and Economics Show map open/close Marketing and Event Petersgraben 35 4001 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 207 35 75 Fax +41 61 207 30 13 Head of Department Bea Gasser MAS To website Parent organization units: President's Office and Administration Communications and Marketing Show map open/close Mathematics Spiegelgasse 1 4051 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 207 26 90 Fax +41 61 207 26 95 To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Show map Subject area / Departments: Mathematik: Versicherungswissenschaftliche Abteilung open/close Mathematik: Versicherungswissenschaftliche Abteilung Spiegelgasse 1 4051 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 207 39 94 Fax +41 61 207 39 95 To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Mathematics Show map open/close Medienwissenschaft Holbeinstrasse 12 4051 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 207 08 89 Fax +41 61 207 08 90 Leitung Prof. Dr. Markus Krajewski Secretariat Medienwissenschaft Kontakt To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Department Arts, Media, Philosophy Show map open/close Microeconomic Theory Tel. +41 61 207 33 20 Head of Department Prof. Dr. Georg Nöldeke To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Business and Economics open/close Molecular and Systems Toxicology (MolSysTox) Klingelbergstrasse 50 4056 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 207 14 88 Fax +41 61 207 14 81 Head of Department Prof. Dr. Alex Odermatt Secretariat Christiane Kocher To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Science Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Show map open/close Molecular Pharmacie Klingelbergstrasse 50 4056 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 207 15 51 Fax +41 61 207 15 52 To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Science Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Show map open/close Musikwissenschaft Petersgraben 27 4051 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 207 28 00 Fax +41 61 207 28 01 Head of Department Prof. Dr. Matthias Schmidt Secretariat Musikwissenschaften Kontakt To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Department Arts, Media, Philosophy Show map open/close Nachhaltigkeitsforschung Bernoullistrasse 16 4056 Basel Switzerland To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Social Sciences Show map open/close Nahoststudien Maiengasse 51 4056 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 207 28 60 Fax +41 61 207 28 64 Head of Department Prof. Dr. Maurus Reinkowski Secretariat Nahoststudien Kontakt To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Social Sciences Show map open/close Neuere Literaturwissenschaft Nadelberg 4 4051 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 207 34 39 Fax +41 61 207 34 40 Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Ralf Simon Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Nicola Gess To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Languages and Literatures Deutsche Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft Show map open/close Neuropharmacology Mattenstrasse 22 4058 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 207 68 48 Head of Department Prof. Dr. Linda Simmler To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Science Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Show map open/close New Media Center Totentanz 18 4051 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 260 12 01 Fax +41 61 260 12 05 To website Parent organization units: President's Office and Administration Vice President's Office for Education Languages & Digital Media Show map open/close Nordistik Nadelberg 6 4051 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 207 34 38 Fax +41 61 207 34 40 Head Prof. Dr. Lena Rohrbach Secretariat Nordistik Kontakt To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Languages and Literatures Show map open/close Öffentliches Recht Peter Merian-Weg 8 (Postfach) 4002 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 207 25 66 Head of Department Prof. Dr. Daniela Thurnherr Keller To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Law Show map open/close Office of the Dean of Studies Peter Merian-Weg 8 (Postfach) 4002 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 207 25 30 Secretariat Studiendekanat Juristische Fakultät Kontakt To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Law Show map open/close Office of the Dean of Studies Peter Merian-Weg 6 (Postfach) 4002 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 207 33 01 Fax +41 61 207 13 16 Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Pascal Gantenbein To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Business and Economics Show map open/close Ombudsstelle der Universität Basel Parent organization units: External Units open/close Organic Geochemistry Bernoullistrasse 30 4056 Basel Switzerland Tel. +41 61 207 36 36 Research Group Nemiah Ladd To website Parent organization units: Faculty of Science Department of Environmental Sciences Earth Sciences Show map open/close Organizational Culture Head Dr. Simone Lazarus Parent organization units: President's Office and Administration Vice President's Office People & Culture Subject area / Departments: Diversity & Inclusion Leadership & Development Personal Integrity open/close