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Panel Discussion With Sepp Blatter: Reforming FIFA

Panel discussion, Friday, 15 April 2016, 5:15 pm, Zentrum Lehre und Forschung, Hebelstrasse 20, Basel
Panel discussion, Friday, 15 April 2016, 5:15 pm, Zentrum Lehre und Forschung, Hebelstrasse 20, Basel

How can the International Federation of Association Football FIFA be reformed? Former FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter and Luis Moreno Ocampo, former Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, will discuss this question at the University of Basel. The public panel will be held on Friday, 15 April at the Center for Teaching and Research.

07 April 2016

Panel discussion, Friday, 15 April 2016, 5:15 pm, Zentrum Lehre und Forschung, Hebelstrasse 20, Basel
Panel discussion, Friday, 15 April 2016, 5:15 pm, Zentrum Lehre und Forschung, Hebelstrasse 20, Basel

How to move FIFA from serious corruption allegations on to a transparent and efficient international body? This week, students of the Faculty of Law of the University of Basel have participated in a seminar examining the role and structure of FIFA, developing ideas how the sports governing body could move forward on its reform path.

The final event of this seminar is a discussion with Joseph S. Blatter and Luis Moreno Ocampo, moderated by Mark Pieth. After the presentations, the seminar students will address their questions to Mr. Blatter, before the floor is opened to the entire audience.

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