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New professor for experimental quantum nano-physics

Tomasz Smoleński is to become the new assistant professor for experimental quantum nanophysics and/or quantum materials at the University of Basel. His research interests are in the field of condensed matter physics, quantum materials and quantum optics.

30 April 2024

Tomasz Smoleński's research focuses on using optical spectroscopy to explore fundamental quantum phenomena and to search for new phases of matter in semiconductor structures.

Professor Tomasz Smoleński
Professor Tomasz Smoleński

The physicist completed his PhD at the University of Warsaw in 2018 with a thesis on spectroscopy of quantum dots hosting single magnetic ion spins, which represent the ultimate magnetic memories. For his work, he received the Polish Prime Minister Prize, the highest award for a PhD thesis in Poland. Previously, he studied computer science and physics in Warsaw and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Warsaw after completing his PhD.

Since 2019, the 36-year-old has been working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Physics at ETH Zürich. His research is centered around many-body electron and spin systems in electrically-tunable two-dimensional semiconductor heterostructures, which he investigates using optical techniques.

In the future, he would like to continue his research on optical sensing of emergent phenomena in synthetic van der Waals quantum materials, with a particular focus on understanding fundamental properties of strongly interacting electrons and their potential applications in novel quantum technologies and quantum computing.

Smoleński will take up his position as assistant professor with tenure track at the Faculty of Science on 1 February 2025. He will also be actively involved in the Swiss Nanoscience Institute and the NCCR SPIN, which are based at the University of Basel.

Six adjunct professorships

The University Council also approved the decision by the Senate to appoint the following individuals as adjunct professors:

Faculty of Medicine
  • Dr. Emanuel Burri for gastroenterology
  • Dr. Sebastian Kos for radiology/interventional radiology
  • Dr. Sonja Merten for social and preventive medicine
  • Dr. Bettina Karin Wölnerhanssen for experimental medicine
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Dr. Rita Gautschy for studies of the ancient world and digital humanities
Faculty of Science
  • Prof. Ellen Fritsche for toxicology
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