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Emmy Noether Distinction for Ilaria Zardo

Ilaria Zardo in the lab
Prof. Dr. Ilaria Zardo. (Photo: Swiss Nanoscience Institute, University of Basel)

Professor Ilaria Zardo of the Department of Physics and Swiss Nanoscience Institute at the University of Basel will be awarded the Emmy Noether Distinction of the European Physical Society in the mid-career category.

24 March 2023 | Christine Möller

Ilaria Zardo in the lab
Prof. Dr. Ilaria Zardo. (Photo: Swiss Nanoscience Institute, University of Basel)

The physicist receives this award for her contributions in the methodology of characterizing nanoscale materials and the consequent discovery of their new functional properties.

Ilaria Zardo has been appointed as assistant professor at the Department of Physics at the University of Basel in 2015 and was promoted to associate professor in 2020. She also heads the Nano Technology Center at the Swiss Nanoscience Institute and represents this service unit on the SNI’s Executive Committee.

Together with her research group, Ilaria Zardo investigates fundamental processes in tailored nanostructures. In particular, they study excitations of the crystal lattice (phonons) with the aim of engineering them and of developing new measurement methods. The work contributes to a better understanding of the thermal properties of nanomaterials and supports the realization of phonon-based devices.

The European Physical Society has established the Emmy Noether Distinction for Women in Physics in 2013 to enhance the recognition of noteworthy women physicists with a strong connection to Europe through nationality or work.

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