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The University of Basel gains two new National Centers of Competence in Research (NCCR)

The Swiss Federal Government awards two centres for antibiotic resistance research and quantum computing to the University of Basel. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)
The Swiss Federal Government awards two centres for antibiotic resistance research and quantum computing to the University of Basel. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

The University of Basel has received a grant for two new National Centers of Competence in Research (NCCR), focusing on antibiotic research and quantum technology. The federal government is providing total funding of CHF 34 million for the two programs in the first funding phase to 2024, bringing the number of NCCRs with the University of Basel as their “leading house” up to three.

16 December 2019

The Swiss Federal Government awards two centres for antibiotic resistance research and quantum computing to the University of Basel. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)
The Swiss Federal Government awards two centres for antibiotic resistance research and quantum computing to the University of Basel. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

This morning, Federal Councilor Guy Parmelin announced six new National Centers of Competence in Research (NCCR), two of which are directed by the University of Basel: the NCCR “AntiResist”, led by Professor Christoph Dehio from the Biozentrum, and the NCCR “SPIN”, led by Professor Richard J. Warburton of the Department of Physics, in collaboration with IBM Research – Zurich.

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