Doctoral Candidates

Various options are available for PhD funding, in particular personal scholarships and project grants. However, you can not solve the funding question by yourself.
Please contact your professor who will be responsible for supervising your doctoral studies. The financing question must be discussed and solved before you start your dissertation.
For specific questions regarding financing and career advancement, please contact the Career Advancement Office.
Financing Doctorate at the University of Basel
Project Funding by the Swiss National Science Foundation
Funding possibility for doctorates within the framework of successfully submitted SNSF research projects by the supervising professor. Project submission as principal applicant is only possible from the postdoc level or under the supervision of a professor.
Funding possibility for doctorates within the framework of successfully submitted SNSF research projects by the supervising professor. Project submission as principal applicant is only possible from the postdoc level or under the supervision of a professor.
Research Fund of the University of Basel for the promotion of outstanding junior researchers
The research fund awards grants to outstanding junior researchers at the University of Basel who are pursuing an academic career and have already distinguished themselves through their outstanding achievements. The fund provides grants for completing their dissertations to outstanding PhD students from the following faculties: Theology, Law, Humanities and Social Sciences, Business and Economics as well as PhD students in educational sciences and in social or organizational psychology.
The research fund awards grants to outstanding junior researchers at the University of Basel who are pursuing an academic career and have already distinguished themselves through their outstanding achievements. The fund provides grants for completing their dissertations to outstanding PhD students from the following faculties: Theology, Law, Humanities and Social Sciences, Business and Economics as well as PhD students in educational sciences and in social or organizational psychology.
Nikolaus and Bertha Burckhardt-Bürgin Foundation
The University of Basel and the Nikolaus and Bertha Burckhardt-Bürgin Foundation award grants for short stays to doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers. Grants can be awarded for a short stay at a research institution abroad (in justified exceptional cases also in Switzerland). The grants cover actual travel costs, a lump sum for accommodation and meal costs as well as actual costs for possible fees. There is a cost cap of CHF 5'000 per application. The acquisition of matching funds is possible and should be declared on the application.
The University of Basel and the Nikolaus and Bertha Burckhardt-Bürgin Foundation award grants for short stays to doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers. Grants can be awarded for a short stay at a research institution abroad (in justified exceptional cases also in Switzerland). The grants cover actual travel costs, a lump sum for accommodation and meal costs as well as actual costs for possible fees. There is a cost cap of CHF 5'000 per application. The acquisition of matching funds is possible and should be declared on the application.
Contributions for PhD students with children
get on track
The «get on track» funding line is aimed at mothers and fathers doing their doctorate at the University of Basel. With the aim of enabling them to complete their doctorate within the given time frame, release options are advertised every semester.
The «get on track» funding line is aimed at mothers and fathers doing their doctorate at the University of Basel. With the aim of enabling them to complete their doctorate within the given time frame, release options are advertised every semester.
Scholarships for foreign researchers
Find a PhD position
Before you can take further steps towards a dissertation at the University of Basel, you will need a supervisor. With this person you will clarify topic and financing for the entire duration of the dissertation (preliminary information for international PhD candidates).
Before you can take further steps towards a dissertation at the University of Basel, you will need a supervisor. With this person you will clarify topic and financing for the entire duration of the dissertation (preliminary information for international PhD candidates).
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists
The Swiss Confederation provides various types of scholarships to international students through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS). These scholarships enable researchers from all disciplines to continue their doctoral or postdoctoral research at a public or state-recognized Swiss university. Scholarships and conditions depend on the country of origin.
The Swiss Confederation provides various types of scholarships to international students through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS). These scholarships enable researchers from all disciplines to continue their doctoral or postdoctoral research at a public or state-recognized Swiss university. Scholarships and conditions depend on the country of origin.
Mobility and research stays abroad
Doc.Mobility@unibas are mobility grants from the University of Basel, which can be applied for by doctoral students wishing to improve their scientific profile at a research institute abroad.
Doc.Mobility@unibas are mobility grants from the University of Basel, which can be applied for by doctoral students wishing to improve their scientific profile at a research institute abroad.
Government scholarships
The swissuniversities scholarship service manages foreign government scholarships from more than 30 countries on behalf of the Confederation. The scholarships are intended for Swiss students, researchers and partially artists for a study or research stay abroad.
The swissuniversities scholarship service manages foreign government scholarships from more than 30 countries on behalf of the Confederation. The scholarships are intended for Swiss students, researchers and partially artists for a study or research stay abroad.
Doctorate abroad
The European Molecular Biology Laboratory is an intergovernmental organization specialized in basic research in the life sciences. The EMBL announces an international doctoral program.
The European Molecular Biology Laboratory is an intergovernmental organization specialized in basic research in the life sciences. The EMBL announces an international doctoral program.
Conference participation
SAGW travel funds
To promote communication and the exchange of research results in an international context, the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAGW) provides travel grants to junior researchers.
To promote communication and the exchange of research results in an international context, the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAGW) provides travel grants to junior researchers.
Grants for scientific retreats or graduate events
Grants for scientific retreats
The Rectorate of the University of Basel offers an annual grant to carry out events for junior researchers. Support is provided for disciplinary and interdisciplinary, intra-university, national or international events for junior researchers, such as meetings for PhD students with external experts.
The Rectorate of the University of Basel offers an annual grant to carry out events for junior researchers. Support is provided for disciplinary and interdisciplinary, intra-university, national or international events for junior researchers, such as meetings for PhD students with external experts.
Grants for guest lectures
The Albrecht Travel Fund provides support to certain further education events as part of doctoral promotion at the University of Basel. Applications for guest speakers may be submitted provided they contribute to the further qualification of junior researchers as part of scientific retreats or graduate events at the University of Basel.
The Albrecht Travel Fund provides support to certain further education events as part of doctoral promotion at the University of Basel. Applications for guest speakers may be submitted provided they contribute to the further qualification of junior researchers as part of scientific retreats or graduate events at the University of Basel.
Scientific Exchanges
Scientific Exchanges is aimed at researchers who want to organize their own scientific event in Switzerland, invite foreign colleagues for a research stay in Switzerland or visit them abroad.
Scientific Exchanges is aimed at researchers who want to organize their own scientific event in Switzerland, invite foreign colleagues for a research stay in Switzerland or visit them abroad.
Publication costs
Printing cost contributions for publication of dissertations
The Vice President's Office for Research awards printing cost contributions to applicants who have completed their doctorate at the University of Basel. A contribution towards printing costs can also be requested from the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Law.
The Vice President's Office for Research awards printing cost contributions to applicants who have completed their doctorate at the University of Basel. A contribution towards printing costs can also be requested from the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Law.
Editing cost contributions for papers in English
With the funding instrument «Academic Editing», the University of Basel encourages its doctoral students to to enhance their scientific writing skills for research publications in English.
With the funding instrument «Academic Editing», the University of Basel encourages its doctoral students to to enhance their scientific writing skills for research publications in English.