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Emergency response procedures

This page informs about how to act in the event of an emergency.

How to act in the event of an evacuation

  • Secure the workstation as best as possible (e.g. save files, close open chemistry bottles)
  • Take personal effects with you (house keys etc.)
  • Close windows when leaving the room
  • Obey the instructions of the evacuation assistants
  • Leave the building quietly and via the green escape routes
  • Do not enter buildings again
  • Do not use elevators
  • Go to the assembly point
  • Further instructions will follow at the assembly point

How to act in the event of an attack

  • Alert – barricade
  • Keep calm
  • Do not trigger a fire alarm!
  • Only escape from the building if your safety is not endangered
  • People in corridors should immediately go to the nearest room
  • Lock or barricade room doors, if possible 
  • Do not stay near the door or windows, lie on the floor in a blind spot to the door. Possibly create splinter shield with tables
  • Turn mobile phone silent, switch off vibration alarm
  • Wait for the police and follow their instructions
  • When the police arrive, hold up your hands and show your empty palms
  • Never try to talk with the perpetrator or try to stop him

Further information

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