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Grant for self-organised mobilities outside Europe

A top-up scholarship provides financial aid to study abroad or for a research project (internship) at the bachelor’s and master’s level under university patronage in a country outside Europe. The length of the stay must be at least two months.


Prospective candidates should contact and submit their application portfolio along with the completed application form and materials to the Student Exchange Office.

Link to the registration portal: MoveOn

Scholarship amounts

A one-time study stipend of maximum CHF 3000 can be awarded or a maximum of CHF 1000 for the completion of a project without admission to studies. Students neither making use of the university’s teaching or research services, nor intending to obtain credit points, may be granted a leave of absence of no more than two semesters at a time. Leaves of absence must be applied for when reregistering.

Application deadlines

For the fall semester: 15 May
For the spring semester: 15 November

Further information

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