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Participants of the Intergovernmental Conference of Northwestern Switzerland sit in a room and agree on a common climate charter. The earth is displayed on the projector.
At the plenary conference celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Nordwestschweizer Regierungskonferenz in June 2021, president Andrea Schenker-Wicki gave an input presentation on the responsibility of universities in the climate crisis. (Photo: © Kostas Maros)

Dialog with the public is one of the University of Basel’s core responsibilities - one that is especially important in the context of sustainable development and the climate crisis. Therefore a number of engaging events focusing on sustainability topics took place in recent years. University researchers have also frequently brought their expertise to the media, publications and various networks.

Science in public dialog

Sustainable Development Goal 12.8 and 17.17
Contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (https://sdgs.un.org/)

Since 2022, the University of Basel has been a main partner in the Klimaplattform der Wirtschaft Region Basel, a network of companies and public institutions for sustainable business and effective climate protection. The university’s main representative in the group is the research network Sustainable Future. The university and other partners work together to motivate and implement environmental protection measures in the region.

Dr. Annika Sohre, Director of the Sustainable Future research network

Dialog between academia and society in the area of sustainability leads to a better understanding of scientific findings and practical engagement of science with societal challenges, in order to be able to develop holistic solutions together.

Dr. Annika Sohre, Director of the Sustainable Future research network

In the media

Sustainable projects and university researchers’ expertise appeared in various regional and national media outlets. In an interview with the Basler Zeitung, psychology professor Ulf Hahnel explains why we want to fight climate change and yet do nothing about it. In the SRF program Kulturplatz, the benefits of green roofs are presented (from min. 11:58), showing the example of a project at the University of Basel building, which was initiated by students.

In addition, two videos with a focus on sustainability were published as part of the university’s “Ask Our Expert” video series.

Ask Our Expert - Prof. Dr. Ansgar Kahmen on the effects of climate change on vegetation
Ask Our Expert – Prof. Dr. Hannes Weigt “The Future of Energy Provision”

Goals & actions

Goals 2023/2024
responsible unit
Goals 2023/2024

Increase the visibility of research on sustainable development and strengthen international and regional dialog


Hold the “Future Dialog” event series and additional public events to increase dialog with politics, business and civil society

Cooperate and participate in shared sustainability activities with the trinational Eucor alliance; dialog in connection with the Klimaplattform der Wirtschaft Region Basel

responsible unit

Managing Director of the research network Sustainable Future


Research network Sustainable Future
Sustainability Office

Goals 2023/2024

Firmly establish students’ Sustainability Week at the University of Basel


Hold Sustainability Week Basel 2023 and 2024 with the support of the Sustainability Office 

responsible unit

AG Nachhaltigkeit

Goals 2023/2024

Greater visibility of sustainability-related issues at the University of Basel for staff and students


Hold at least one public event per semester on one of the Sustainability Report's key topics

responsible unit

Sustainability Office

goals 2021/2022
completed actions
responsible unit
goals 2021/2022

Greater visibility of sustainability-related issues at the University of Basel for staff and students

completed actions

Communicate eight UniNews articles per year on sustainability-related topics

responsible unit

Sustainability Office

Communications & Marketing

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