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1. Promote low-emission transportation to and from the event

Promote low-emission travel by participants and speakers to and from the event. Recommend the use of sustainable modes of transport. Inform participants about how they can use public transport to travel from the airport or railway station to their accommodation and the event. You can also assist participants in organising carpooling or give away meal vouchers as a reward for those who have used public transport to arrive at the event.


Further Information

  • ecopassenger.org- Compare the energy consumption, CO2- and exhaust atmospheric emissions for planes, cars and trains for passenger transport in Europe.
  • routerank.ch - Allows you to prioritize the arrival and departure options for travel time, cost or CO2 emissions.
  • Examples of information on sustainable arrival [PDF (328 KB)] - ETH Zurich has developed recommendations on how to encourage participants of a conference on sustainable mobility.
  • mitfahrgelegenheit.ch (in German) - The onlie platform for care sharing in Switzerland.

2. Offset flight emissions

Travelling to and from an event by airplane produces the largest quantity of climate-relevant carbon emissions. You can compensate for this by means of a financial payment, an equivalent amount of carbon emissions are saved in a carbon offset project. Utilise this possibility, either by arranging carbon offsetting to make the entire conference a carbon-neutral event, or by encouraging the participants to voluntarily offset their travel.

Further Information

  • myclimate, goclimate (in German), atmosfair - Recommended compensation calculators, with which participants can easily compensate for their arrival and departure.
  • Goldstandard - The Gold Standard on offset projects provides high quality for sustainable projects.
  • myclimate and southpolecarbon - Support you in the compensation of the entire event.

3. Promote the use of public transportation during the event

Try to ensure that participants use public transport rather than their private motor vehicles during the event. The Public Transport Network of Northwest Switzerland (“TNW”) offers hotel guests in Basel city a mobility ticket that is available at check-in. The ticket is valid for the duration of stay for travel anywhere within the TNW zones 10, 11, 13 and 15.

Further Information

4. Encourage the use of bicycles during the event

As part of the event, encourage the use of bicycles. There is the possibility of providing temporary bicycle hire. Organise an evening leisure activity with bicycles, for example, or use rickshaws or cycle taxis for shuttle services.

Further Information

5. Ensure accessible, barrier-free travel

Check that local public transportation is accessible and barrier-free for people with a disability. If this is not the case, you can provide a special pick-up/drop-off service, mobility assistants, etc. Also ensure that well signposted disabled parking is available in the immediate vicinity of the event. In this way you are allowing for pleasant travel for all participants.

Further Information

6. Limit travel distances with video streaming

As an alternative to travel, there is the option of video conferences and streaming. For this purpose, the university computer centre (“URZ”) offers a range of services in the area of new information and communication technologies: video conferences, recording or live broadcasting of lectures via the internet. In addition, you have the possibility of arranging a video conference yourself using Adobe Connect or Skype.

Further Information

  • Video Conferencing Overview of Basel URZ (in German) - The URZ has compiled several options for video conferencing at Basel University (skype Adobe Connect, etc.). For further information you can contact the URZ: support-urz-at-unibas.ch
  • Skype - Information about video conferencing with Skype.
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