Café international

Café international raises awareness about 'intercultural challenges and resources' at the University of Basel in a variety of ways. This format has been in existence since autumn 2018. Itself a series of EVENTS, Café international also draws attention to the existing offers with an intercultural component at the University and the possibilities these other programmes provide (via this website, see listing of RESOURCES below).
The topic of 'intercultural challenges and resources' is addressed through a variety of ways, thereby easing the start of newcomers as well as facilitating the sharing of experiences with colleagues who have already been at the University of Basel for longer. Target groups are Master and PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, lecturers, visiting researchers, and employees from the University of Basel.
Part of the new "Zertifikat Interkulturelle Kompetenz"/Certificate of intercultural competence
NEW: Most of our Café international events are eligible for the Certificate of intercultural competence for administrative, technical and laboratory staff of the University of Basel (group IV).
This free of charge certificate is widely composed by existing programme components in German language. The certificate might be also offered in English in the future. More information about the certificate can be found here.
Conceived and organized by the units Language Center and International Office, this series of events highlights diverse themes twice a semester. In view of the complex and enriching topic, Café international seeks to raise awareness, inform and to initiate reflection. Events may include: presentations and discussions, exchanges in diverse formats, artistic interludes and first-person accounts by incoming and outgoing persons and interested parties.
Equally welcome, are the experiences and expertise of members of the University community, as well as contributions and recommendations by external experts.
The aim is to provide a low-threshold and convivial offer with added value:
- Input and exchange about personal experiences on intercultural challenges for persons studying and working at the University of Basel
- Development of strategies in this regard, including best practices
- Informal exchange at an Apéro.
We would like to invite all newcomers (international Master and PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, lecturers, visiting researcher, and employees) as well as interested local persons from the University and its affiliated institutions who are interested in the topic.
These events are an open platform for initiatives and exchange with an intercultural focus inside and outside the University – suggestions and ideas are most welcome!
Café international EVENTS in 2025
These are our next Café international-dates in spring term 2025:
- Tuesday, 4 March 2025, 16:30-18:00: Basel Carnival city tours (parallel in English or German)
- SAVE THE DATEWednesday, 7 May 2025, circa 18:00-22:00
For more information see mailing + flyer with details incl. registration-link in the download section on the righ (sent/provided some 3 weeks prior the event).
Overview of all Café international-events > see at the very bottom.
Please feel invited to contact us on
- with your suggestions,
- if you are interested in any of our events,
- or if you would like to be included in our mailing list.
We are looking very much looking forward hearing from you!
RESOURCES: Overview of existing Unibas-offers & -contact points with intercultural elements
- Diversity: Diversity Management, Personal Integrity
- Grace (Transferable skills): Intercultural Communication (PhD students & Postdocs)
- Grace (Transferable skills): HEAR Global - Higher Education and Research in the USA, F & CH (PhD students & Postdocs)
- avuba: Events with regards to diverse topics (PhD students & Postdocs)
- Training and Development: Various courses, e.g. "Kommunikation & Kooperation", "Peer Coaching" and "Who are these people and how do I get to know them? – A brief introduction to Basel, its history, mentality and the Swiss way of life" (Staff)
- Educational Development: University teaching in English - language, culture and pedagogy (Teaching Staff)
- Language Center: Numerous language courses incl. "German for foreigners", Tandem language learning, Generationengespräche im Dalbehof (Students & Staff)
- Student Exchange (International Office): Information & Advice (Students)
- Welcome & Euraxess Center (International Office): Advice & personal assistance (Students & Staff & Guests)
- Unisport: Discover Switzerland and socialize with University member
- Centre for African Studies: Outreach-activities (events, guided city tour etc.)
- Centre for African Studies: Newsletter and events calendar
- Student Organizations - partly not only for students
- Offener Hörsaal: Open Lecture Auditorium seeks to promote equal opportunities & provide support for asylum seekers & refugees
- Black Lives Matter at the University of Basel - a platform for conversation & change
- EUCOR: cross-border studying & researching in the Upper Rhine area CH/F/D
- NovaTris (in the context of EUCOR): Bilingual intercultural training for students & staff
- Tour Eucor: 5-day cycling trip through the Eucor-area D/F/CH each May
Test your intercultural awareness
Intercultural learning with SIETAR Switzerland
The unit "International Office" is a member of SIETAR Switzerland - Society for Intercultural Education, Training & Research since 2020. SIETAR Switzerland offers via webinars and numerous other events (e.g. SIETAR Switzerland Congress in Lucerne in 6/2025) interesting opportunities for intercultural sensitization and learning. The institutional membership is on disposal for staff members of the University of Basel; for students some events are free of charge, too. Interested persons are warmly invited to contact the Welcome & Euraxess Center for more information and access.
Social Life & Integration
Integration occurs on various levels. In addition to work or studies, there are other ways to help you familiarize yourself with your new surroundings and feel integrated. Here you find ideas, suggestions, recommended literature and contacts compiled by the Welcome & Euraxess Center.
Overview: Past Café international events 2018-2024
- Panel discussion: Living in Basel, Living in Switzerland 2024.10.21 (PDF, 506 KB)
- City tour: Uni Basel throughout the year+centuries 2024.10.10 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Lecture: 500 years Life Sciences in Basel 2023.11.16 (PDF, 3 MB)
- City tour: Uni Basel throughout the year+the centuries 2023.10.19 (PDF, 1 MB)
- City tour: Thirst for knowledge & Hunger for travel 2023.04.27 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Academic cultures – from Japan to Switzerland 2023.03.23 (PDF, 430 KB)
- Ferry ride: Panta Rhei(n) 2022.11.17 (PDF, 1 MB)
- City tour: Uni Basel throughout the year & the centuries 2022.10.20 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Boat trip three-country corner 2022.06.09 (PDF, 176 KB)
- Solution-Café 2022.03.16 (PDF, 1 MB)
- City tour: Uni Basel throughout the year+the centuries 2021.10.28 (PDF, 2 MB)
- Intercult. Online-Coaching 2021.05.17 (PDF, 1 MB)
- City tour: Africa in Basel 2021.03.25 (PDF, 1 MB)
- City tour: Thirst for knowledgte + Hunger for travel 2020.10.14 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Internat. Classroom-teaching in foreign languages, 2019.11.21 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Interactive Guest Performance Theater Niemandsland, 2019.09.26 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Unibas-Services in case of Problems+Crisis, 2019.05.09 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Communicating in Switzerland, 2019.03.06 (PDF, 76 KB)
- Basel Organizations for Newcomer 2018.11.28 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Newcomer Experiences, 2018.10.24 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Kick-off Workshop Café international 2018.03.07 (PDF, 1 MB)